How can something both
SO AWESOME and SO HORRIBLE at the same time?!?! D=
[sort of*] unrelated: I find that I want to do X despite not being that interested in Y, a direct consequence of X. That seems to hold true for most things, but I've found that writing about a specific X makes me want to do X. I can't rationalize it away, and that pisses me off because it costs SO MUCH that I'm not willing to pay but can't replicate/replace that feeling otherwise.
I'd not be so cryptic, but it's kind of eye-rolly as it is 9_9 The main point is why the hell are we conditioned to want things we can't have >_< STUPID CONDITIONING
Rationalization: Perhaps people were easier to please before there were 5907243507240572 things to want, in which case *shakes fist at civilization*
*gaddammit, I'm tempted to do pony mod T_T