What's going to be our downfall is habitually visiting the family in PA on Sundays and staying late [after... 6?], for as long as this gaddamn construction is going on for 270 S ~~DX:: Tonight, it took us TWO AND A HALF HOURS to make the one-hour trip, because people don't know how to fucking MERGE. Most sickening was being subjected to the stagnant fumes from the trucks and RVs that passed on my side [having the window closed didn't help, since C had his open and nothing was circulating anyway], which only aggravates my loathing of driving--especially on highways between Bumfuck and Egypt where there's generally only two lanes because no one thinks it's worth having more.
Radio static didn't help, either--sensory overload making for mad nausea ToT
Belated prezzies!
T&E, T2R Switzerland, Dominion, Sirius Black riding his motorbike [by
Marc]. I've been warned there's something else--is there no end to my aging?? T_T At least now
metalfox can come by and we can play T&E since he wanted to play last night and somehow we didn't get around to it ¬_¬
Ooo, ooo, crap ROMs make for mad group LAWLS guys =D like
The Final Option XDXDXD DURP
Granted, real games are kind of funny, too, if done correctly. Cherri started up Family Feud and, at one point, buzzed in before the question showed up.Cherri: Oh, I didn't get the question! I'll guess... ball.
*ding!* Top answer, 75 points!
D= Much LAWLing to be had for quite a while. [Question: Name something that is thrown by an athlete.]
--incidentally, we are visiting one last time before Marc heads back across the pond, so Friday/Saturday is out for this coming weekend =/ but Sunday BGN is okay so far! [as much a mistake as that also might be...]
I miss my cake =6 Granted, two and a half hours, it would've melted by the time we got back... 9_9 [Ice cream cake is the best cake, 'cause it's ice cream. Teh noms.]