3192: Games People Play

Jul 15, 2009 23:29

My brother called twice this week [or more--it doesn't keep call count for each number, so I have to assume the other missed calls are also him], and I've missed them each time because the phone is accidentally still on vibrate or I walked away for a minute and didn't hear it ring, or whatever. I made the mistake of checking this right before checking out at the grocery when this habit really bugs me when other people do it... -_-; but in my defense, I rarely use the phone as it is, so I haven't had much opportunity to think about my [bad] phone usage. At least I *NEVER* dial out in the car =p though answering... the two calls a year I get while I'm driving, it's hard not to just grab it and hit answer even though I should have to make myself miss 9_9

ANYWAY he told me this filthy lie that I have a birthday coming up and asked what I wanted, dropping all these hints about laptops and making me wonder if he has like half a million in savings somehow if he can spend like he suggests he does but is back to being just a college student. Though I *have* been thinking about a "something small and cheapy for portable Neopetting" laptop, I didn't want to suggest as such that he actually buy one for me [I hate specifying "oh I want this model in this colour"--I'd rather get it myself and save that much trouble], instead suggestingMe: I could point you to Board Game Geek.
Bro: Board games? Really? You can't think of anything more exciting?
Me: ...no, actually! XD
Because, as redundant as it is, I wouldn't mind having copies of Dominion and Tigris +/x/vs. Euphrates for when we head up to PA/Thomas comes here and the VA crew isn't around... which is too often =/ [Also, power plant expansion deck and France/Italy board, but those are significantly cheaper and I am less averse to purchasing them on a whim.] I have no idea how to convince my brother that it's a better idea for him to be spending "only" $50 on something I really want than spending $200[0?] on something I only kind of want.

You know, since he seems to think he should spend money on me in the first place. I'd sooner he doesn't--I don't trust the mail, and even if I didn't rather he graduate and get a regular job going first, he's only hinted that he might be in the Baltimore area at the end of August. [The alternative was Florida, which has...???]

I also plowed through Sam & Max Save the World on XBLA [I think they actually write it "Sam&Max," but I hate that], because--while I do love the franchise in general despite the unfortunate inability to reacquire the original voice actors from "Hit the Road"--puzzle games are really a kind of Achilles' Heel for me. I can't just pick at it now and again and drag it out for days, especially when doing so means days I've been trying to get projects jumpstarted again but keep getting set back because ZOMG WAHT IS TEH ANSEWR HOW I MINE FOR FISH!1 I need to solve it all D=

Out of fairness, though, the only thing I looked up was how to hit Bosco--one of those things I thought I tried but there was an option I completely overlooked. Everything else took longer than desirable but was my own solving... minus what C told me to do, vs. my figuring it out 9_9


Seriously, though, I do pick up every puzzle game I can find, but I don't play them immediately for this exact reason. Getting them is enough, so I can still play them when I have an opportunity and don't have to find them in-store or wait for them in the mail when I'm finally in the mood. The problem is playing them means I'm out of commission for several days when I already have goals I'm not meeting D= XBLA I had to make an exception because I just don't count on my hard drive not failing and MS being forgiving enough to let me get my games again. [I know, but I'm more paranoid about DLC than physical media, especially DLC I can't really back up.]

I guess a suitable comparison is that puzzle games are crack, and here I am trying to get off the wagon. As always, if I sound like a broken record, there's something that's not happening and I'm STILL trying to address that, so -- yeah. Also why I'm not playing ANY games on BSW or DoW--those are an eternal time sink...

Prolly pointless to point out, but I know Monkey Island is an awesome puzzler series. I haven't played any of it. [Most of the reason is the point-and-click games I've played other than Nancy Drew are largely ones my brother bought, and that wasn't one of them.] Make that my birthday present, I guess 9_9 and I'll play it some years from now, no doubt!

ihatephones, purcell, puzzley, blehhh, games, ihatemoney

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