3161: I Did My Best

Jun 14, 2009 13:48

I used "I Was Wrong" already, apparently. I mean, though I--like everyone else--hate admitting to being wrong, a lot of the reason I hate it is that I'm usually wrong about something completely trivial that affects only me and maybe someone else's principles, and writing about it makes for not particularly interesting reading. I think it'd only be interesting if I was the type of person who was temperamental about always being "right" [especially about things that are flagrantly wrong, like how slavery is good or speed limits shouldn't exist in residential areas or how everyone should agree with me that I am AWESOME] and tried so so SO hard to avoid ever having to admit to being wrong that it was actually satisfying for others to hear that final concession that, yeah, after you beat me over the head with it five hundred thousand million times, I see where it was my fault.

If you guys ever want to hear that, though, I remind you again that I *do* want to be called out on stuff if I'm clearly drifting off on a bad course. I don't mean like, "oh man don't go to transformers it sux" but certainly if somehow I'm walking into a trap, like... I dunno, buying a bad car. There's a line I trust you guys to be able to see, naturally =/ Mostly it's like I thought X was Y and it was actually Z and I couldn't tell because I didn't pay attention or oh! I didn't know that 'cause I didn't read the manual but whatever, I know now.

[There ARE times I know I'll seem like I'm stubbornly defending a bad point, but often it's that the initial phrasing was a bit off, and I stand by a tweak of that phrasing. Hey, if I'm not 100% wrong but mostly correct, why say I'm totally wrong to invalidate the correct aspect? Defending a valid point is worthwhile, too.]

[[avoiding saying "right" for a number of reasons]]

[[[as it happens, I can't think of a synonym for "right" as applies to "basic human rights"...? TRAGIC]]]

[[[[related:]]]]Not from Kentucky, but...: I know this wasn't the point of the questioner, but could we please lay off the white-trash stereotypes? We southern Appalachians run into this very frequently, especially among "liberal-minded" urbanites, and while I can't speak for all of us, I sure do get tired of hearing it. To be honest, I don't understand why it's OK to make hillbilly slurs when it's (rightly) not ok to make them about other groups. Sigh.

Carolyn Hax: Funny thing about this. I have a nice collection of letters from people complaining that they are the last slurworthy group. Fat people, short people, bald people, white people, men. (Short fat bald white men are PEEVED.) Liberals, conservatives, liberal-minded urbanites, Southerners, foreigners.

You are all absolutely correct. Which is why we try to be scrupulously fair here by making fun of everybody.

It's hard to concentrate with that banjo noise in my head.
BGN was hawt last night, despite the lack of peripheral members, and we actually sat around and talked at length. TALKED! I miss doing that, even if most of what we talked about amounted to gossip =p [except that it directly affected the people who mentioned it and so was relevant = "social studies" ^-^;] I found out that I was vindicated after a sense, after something that had blinded me for a painful amount of time finally reached the breaking point where, okay, I see the five hundred thousand million red flags waving in front of as though one infinitely large flag.

It's not really polite to throw that up as public record, tho, but it's kind of like how Shu finally dumped Nag and married his current, infinitely healthier even just from the sound of her over the phone wife. Something terribly terribly wrong was made even a little bit better.

I don't even mind that I lost every game we played ^^ Eh, just Race and PR. I think what happens is the same that happens with my art--I have a general idea of how to do things, but while other people have this bedrock foundation of focus and attention, I'm kind of standing on a wet beach with high tide coming in and keep falling back as something gives somewhere in my judgment. I noticed this last night at Romano's Macaroni Grill, where my didn't-first-draw-construction-lines doodles turned out like crap and, at least to me, not nearly as well as Fawx's random scrawl. Part of it may be I'm just super picky, but it may also be that I just see the mistakes more readily than someone else might.

Or, they need to invent erasable crayons 9_9 ohwaitthey DID D= but... they need to be so commonplace as to be stocked in a Macaroni Grill for our tablecloth amusement! XB

foody, lefty, gossipy, arty, hax, whataworld, boardgamey, socially, philosophy

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