3136: New Kid in School

May 20, 2009 00:09

ICWTAT: Ten minutes, then 9_9 before Pattinson gets any speaking parts and there's even a hint of vampirism [beyond the deer thing right at the beginning]. Seriously, I don't think I want to see how a 100-year-old PEDOPHILE fits into a high school drama X/

That's the undoing of immortals, right? You're a pedophile even if you look the part? Ffff ¬_¬ [I know it's a bit harsh to pull out the P card, but one half of a pairing being under 21 has a built-in creepy factor above a certain age gap...]

Yes, I might be missing out--though I doubt it--but I know what happens, and it just doesn't capture my interest enough to keep watching instead of just writing this out. Was the revulsion point the "HAY IT IS TEH MAJOR HOTTIE YUO CAN TELL FROM TEH SLOW-MO PAN WEHN HE 1ST SHOWZ UP" thing? I guess, but also just the bleh factor. [...and that the Cullens are "foster kids" but have hooked up--EEW. Yes, I know they're vamps, but their cover story is... EEW.] Even A&D held my interest though I knew what would happen, because Ewan McGregor was compelling enough as Camerlengo Carlo VentrescaPatrick McKenna,* while I don't really feel like I could care about Bella or her spastic classmates.
*Yeah, huh?

Ultimately--and believe me I'm aware that taste is a big factor as well--I have a huge problem finishing one of my stories because it suffers from exactly what Twilight suffers from: When the hook-up is the center of the whole story AND is based heavily on some kind of instant attraction, it's doomed. It's "Romeo and Juliet," which is the most famous "doomed relationship based on instant attraction" story EVAR, and [if Wikipedia is even remotely accurate] continuing the story is almost 100% trying to keep the relationship together, with none of the real life application--which is why so many marriages fail, no doubt, from using instant attraction romances as a model.

I *guess* if I had been tween-age [as Mum complains] I would be on pins and needles awaiting the next awful installment. Unfortunately, I've endured too many failed relationships [even one is too many, so you'll get no numbers out of me] to get all rosy-eyed about it anymore. The Lake House was tolerable somehow, but I've already seen it--don't need to go down that path again, time-funky mailbox or no.

...so! My wrist hurt today, so I didn't pester C to let me use both of the things I need to play Rock Band and/or Lode Runner [my system + telly, though I *should* be able to futz something together to let me use my monitor?]. Instead, I crapped out the rest of my "song in Rock Band" picture #1 [see subject line]:

Myeh, needs some work. I should note that the characters' ages had to be altered to make it work correctly, so there are some chronological inconsistencies, such as his wearing the ugly school uniform at fifteen-ish. I'm not going to describe it much more than that--part of what makes artwork compelling is imaging what's not being said, so why deny you that? =3

Well, except that I can't decide on her pattern. There's another problem with making something "final"--I keep changing my mind, and if it's permanently bad, I'll hate that =/ so... *edits until death*

Haha, maybe she has a pattern like Rorschach's face. Shyeah.

blehhh, sucks, psychologically, unhelpfully, complainy, techy, arty-moodsong, moviey, hat

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