3116: Welcome to the Neighborhood

Apr 30, 2009 00:12

All--ALL--of our stuff is officially here not there now, after remembering to get the last bits as I was getting ready for bed X/ The last bits were my three planters [one with pumpkin sprout, FINALLY] and... well, for obvious reasons, I didn't really want to bring Lord British and Jade Knight with =( so I did the preferable option:


[I know cremation was an option, but not with the overall inconvenience of it, and I'd sooner just let them return to the earth than be lost in the mountains of crap we already have. Really. --and trying to convince me that burial is worse for the environment than cremation isn't going to alleviate my guilt over the whole matter at all, so don't even.]

I swear, tho, that it rained today JUST to make the planters heavier for me to carry >_< because that would be too fucking easy if they had been dry as a bone, right? [Thank fuck I actually kept gloves in the glove compartment, too, or my hands would've been torn up even more from the weight + cheap, crap, travel-unfriendly design!]

I do still have issues with living here, but they will go unaddressed as such because it really isn't worth rocking the boat: 1. There will ALWAYS be issues with living with other people, unless you are the freak .00000000000000001% of couplings/groupings that NEVER has a problem getting along in closed quarters. 2. Dealing [and moving laziness] has forced us to consolidate our stuff, and we really don't NEED the space I am mildly resentful of not having--why subject my plushie shrine to two cats and a dog, anyway? They can stay [relatively] safe in boxes and get shuffled up to PA as was offered, where the most they might risk is a lazy cat maybe sniffing the exterior. Once. So, oddly enough, it's a blessing in disguise.

I do feel annoyed at how much stuff is in the bathroom now, even before we added ours. Dwelling on the perceived imbalance is an exercise in frustration, though, and we've just gotten settled to where I'm ALMOST ready to get into a regular creative groove again--why drag the disruption out even longer 9_9

At the VERY LAST MINUTE [nearly], I decided to get the TPR statues, because otherwise I'd have to get them third-party if I changed my mind, and I'd prefer to be on the "bought them anyway" side at this point. Yes, even considering space issues, but it's all going into storage anyway, so why not cycle it around some ¬_¬

--alright, now it's REALLY bedtime what am I doing still up XB NITE

sad, organizy, cohabity, sucks, photoy, ihatemoney, complainy, bother, movey

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