3085.5: Use Once & Destroy

Mar 30, 2009 18:16

Fffffff XB My taxes aren't done yet. Good thing I put off sending anything until my father got back to me on the maths! [I'm getting $500 more back than had I sent it off anyway, so don't diss me for procrastinating, especially since he's the one getting me all these bazillion accounts that keep me from listing just my W-2 and being done with it.]

Also, I'm done with Claire's. Really. It's like the GameStop of accessory stores, I feel like--I've consistently had to wait upwards of 10-20 minutes to buy my stuff because there's all of one employee working a rather large store [for accessories]. Part of it is the whole "It's hard hiring in Delmarva because people expect to have a better job than that," so I'm not entirely blaming the employees or even the store. It's just 1. I'm sick of the service, despite my overall increased patience on my end as far as retail goes, and 2. I already have my blue hair clips, so until they start stocking complete blue wigs, I'm done--they have nothing else I want.

I thought I'd try an Excel-style ponytail today, since the normal way I do it makes me look somewhat bald =p It's kind of bothersome, but I guess I can manage, considering the alternative is to have it going in every direction [cursed flyaway hair!].

...and hangry =9 Nnngh, trying not to just gorge on cheesecake, tho ¬_¬;

P.S. I know I suffer from "LOLInternet-itis" and try to keep that down, but David Letterman got married ZOMGOMG =O [yes, it's a tad late--no, I don't watch the show]

Edit: C tells me to remember that Dan has the only bread in the world kneaded by cats XD~~~ [Story: Layla got into mischief with Dan's bread and squished it, then tried to hide in the sink, pretending that if she couldn't see anyone, no one would see her--LOLOLOLOL]

taxes, mawwiage, cakes, shoppy, hairy, ihatemoney, hangry, bother, taghappy, zomgomg, ihateclothes, kittykittybangbang

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