3075.5: d-complex

Mar 20, 2009 23:18

I keep writing for a book that won't get finished any time soon and getting excellent image ideas that spoil scenes I haven't written yet. What am I doing wrong? =p

I'm disheartened that I also can't describe an observed phenomenon that, were I to name it as is most descriptive to me, would also be a spoiler. Funny how that works... XB It's hard to motivate myself to work to churn out a whole book/comic series just to be able to write an LJ post, tho! ¬_¬ [not that I wouldn't feel weird writing it, for reasons that occasionally come up in my advice columns: Some things are better left unsaid/Being transparent doesn't mean having to say every stupid thing that comes to mind]

[[it's not even a complex, come to think of it... but n/m]]

Chars and I went to Red Lobster, just because I wanted to go somewhere we hadn't in a while, and that's what he suggested. Full [and fattened] on nommy lobster linguine =9 so... seepy =_= 'nite

foody, fatty, terminology, observe, writey, secrety

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