3062.2: Daylight Savings Time

Mar 07, 2009 18:46

I had heard--perhaps through Paul Harvey, since that was where a lot of random "origin" stories I'd heard came from--that DST was started as a bet to see if they [the bettors] could get people to do something just because they said to do it. There was a time when I understood the reasoning for it, but--like the agrarian calendar for schools--it just doesn't make sense anymore, and the "bet" story just makes me angrier for it. Furthermore, it may hurt people:Swedish researchers compared the incidence of heart attacks just before the time change with the days afterward. They found a 7% increase in attacks after the spring change. This suggests that vulnerable people should avoid sudden changes to their biological clocks. Travelers to different time zones might be taking a similar risk.
I feel the effects of this just from the hour difference in wake-up time during the week switching off between "Supers isn't even going to get in until 10 anyway" and "OH NOES GOTTA GET THERE BY 8 OR I FIRED D=" every day, which only makes me more eager to establish myself at one location or the other--y'all should know which I prefer ¬_¬ but even the other would have its benefits.

I always hear about pet folks who feed their pets at X o'clock every day, and the pets get antsy after the change when their food isn't there yet... Why aren't their schedules changed to X±1 o'clock prior to/following DST changes? It seems like the obvious modification =p if not some kind of gradual easing into the change.

[I would like our new President to address DST, actually--wonder if he's the type to say, "Aight enough of this" or just fuggedaboudit?]

reasoning, bother, seepy, hat, politicrap

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