2979: Where Are You Christmas? Why Can't I Find You?

Dec 14, 2008 00:09

*feeling festive* =p

Oh, right, I had a part 2 to this ^^;Boston, Mass.: The year I was 9 was the apex of my childhood Christmas craze. My family had just moved, and we were dirt poor, my mom working 2 jobs and still barely able to make ends meet.. We put presents sent by relatives out under the tree about a week before Christmas Day, and one present for me was particularly intriguing. It was large and somewhat soft--I couldn't for the life of me figure out what it was. It was given by my aunt, a very sweet and practical lady who knew we were in rough shape economically. Finally, a couple of days before Christmas I couldn't stand the suspense and, when my mom was in the shower, I carefully opened the bottom of the wrapping paper. Inside was a 12-pack of toilet paper. Now, we joke that the package was in fact something really cool, and that I turned it into toilet paper by peeking.


Cool present turned to toilet paper: That may well be the most spirited application of quantum mechanics I've ever seen. Even more than Santa's ability to visit all those houses in so little time. Well done!

- A theoretical physicist

hax, holiday, photoy, lolololol

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