2973: Surprise Surprise

Dec 08, 2008 22:20

So I apparently have an NIH.gov e-mail address now, which is pretty cool in that Status Rat Race kind of way. Y'all can prolly go ahead and spam it if you want, Julie.Miyamoto@nih.gov or Julie_Miyamoto@nih.gov or several miscellaneous iterations thereof that go to the same place =p It's not like I really care--it apparently got a bundle of spam before I even knew I had it... ¬_¬ might still get spammed even after I'm done with this contract work in a month, too, but I'll have no idea.

I also discovered that children of hippie parents can grow up to be respectable doctors, if Charity Scripture and Haven Battles are any indication... o_O

Work-wise, Brain [sort of the second-in-command] seems to think I'm doing too good of a job, 'cause I'm already done with what they figured would take me longer to do =' Also, she's "Brain" because she noticed that apparently Buttons told me to do something one way, and that was totally wrong and ended up making me spend two hours redoing what I'd done before [besides the error I noticed on my own and fixed before it got too stupid], and she generally seems more on top of the game overall.

Not "The Brain," though, because it's not like she's going to take over the world, and Buttons--at least as far as I can tell--isn't really "Pinky" as much as "somewhat distractable." I was leaning toward "Mother Brain," but that's problematic as well. Brain is simple enough to remember.

I definitely feel a lot of TOAD in my own life, which makes me wonder just how much of a self-chronicle I'm writing [or, self-fulfilling prophecy?]. I do feel a little empty not making regular updates to it anymore [not enough at-home time, not eager to slack at the new post just yet], which says something right there--what am I going to do once the book's done and I actually get all the edits in, which looks increasingly more likely than me finishing even that ONE page of comic I've been [not] working on for the past six months?

I do want to publish it, but it feels anachronistic: It feels "right" to release it after B2S1, for reasons more clear to the two people who may have read even a snippet of both, but that may be my own knowledge of the two stories speaking. Anyone else might not think it relevant. I have no idea if I'm just too close to the material, tho =p or if I'm actually starting to like TOAD better to the point where finishing B2S1 second would be anticlimactic.

...headache! *Sylar senses are tingling*

namingway, workcrap, writey, awmg, lolololol, heroey

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