2946.2: Drawn From Memory

Nov 11, 2008 14:08

Try though as I might, I have a hard time coming up with anything noteworthy to say about it being Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.'s birthday [would have been 86], something that will get harder to do as the years pass now that he's gone. A quick image search on Google turns up the one thing I would have asked of him, tho:

I remember a Dear Abby asking why fans bother famous people for their autographs and disrupt their privacy that way, and she explained that it's 1. a reason to talk to that person and 2. not necessarily a bother.

I ask for smileys when I do because it's a peek into that person's mind beyond the signature. The above--I'm assuming--ten-second doodle says volumes about Vonnegut that his John Hancock alone wouldn't, that could take a whole book to describe.

I had this transition into something longer, but I think that takes away from the post, and--despite Nano--I need an exercise in brevity anyway =p so you get blather LATER

peoples, arty, abby-tips

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