I've had this rant [purely as record] in the queue, but I don't feel like finishing it now, for various reasons.
Doonesbury beat me to it, anyway, and did it much better than I could have,* though if you want, you can also read some
related material on the subject [religious, yes, but a good read that I recommend].
*Actually, it's a
very poorly-timed coincidence** in using a plumber: "As longtime readers of FAQ will recall, the syndication schedule requires that Sunday strips go into production six weeks before they appear in the paper."
The jist of it is that siding with someone purely on the basis of where they stand on a moral issue--especially abortion--is ludicrous, especially if that is the ONLY reason you side with that person. Abortion is nothing but a painful, undesirable solution to a problem, and choosing sides on it rather than addressing the underlying problem of unwanted pregnancies is just beating around the bush. If there's no need for abortion, and no abortions being administered, one's stance on it is irrelevant.
The rest of the rant involved why I feel one way or another, plus a reference to Henry Rollins's "Spina Bifida Guy"* as who could've won over the opposite party's voters better than a certain Ohio plumber, but--as I said--I don't feel like getting into it. Too much else is going on that I'd rather worry about, and some that I'd rather not worry about but have to do so, anyway [vacation's over, homework to do].
*I'd share if there was an easy link to it. Regardless of how much others should hear it, I don't feel good just throwing out lots of what amounts to pirated stuff, especially if I have to host it. Well, okay I'll describe at least this bit: Basically, Henry says, "I want to help Disabled Guy who wants to work but can't because his disability prevents him from working productively at a normal job, and his disability coverage only gives him enough for EITHER medication or rent, but not both. He doesn't want handouts, just a chance. Who's going to give him that chance?"
OH, WAIT I'll say this after all: There was also something about "Don't tax me for working hard!" and responding, "Oh, so tax you for just having money to tax, then." I'm offended by this notion that "working hard = earning more money" that suggests some of the hardest working people who don't get paid a penny, even, aren't actually working hard at all. I doubt any stay-at-home parents are in the "DTMFWH" crowd, or maybe they're seeing something I don't \:' or missed the point, or...?
All of the above as "on record" stuff, so there's actually a transcription of my stance, as it were. On to boring stuff:
Besides the MIA voting ballot that FINALLY came in and now gives me no excuse not to do my homework during downtime at work, I got my brother's iPod in the mail... safe and sound. It's a Nano [8GB w/ video], and apparently it's already called "Keroro Nano"* from what's inscribed on the back--but I'm inclined to rename it 2nd Lt. Heymans Breda ^^; [Mustang would've been my touch, which I still *might* get down the road]. In testing my brother's cord, though, I found it's actually Havoc that's hiding from iTunes, not an issue with the cord itself =( So... I guess I can put Breda to work while Havoc goes off to the infirmary... \:| Shoot, I should pick my device names more carefully, then? [Definitely avoid naming one Maes Hughes...]
*(De Arimasu!)
!!! "Games"? Hah =p I don't need to be putting games on Breda... ¬_¬; unless there's a web browser... ^^ [riiiiight] and the latest iTunes update is aggravating me with its "Hey, you're typing ARTIST NAME but as Artist Name--you actually want ARTIST NAME, I'll fill that in for you!" X(
--which is why I normally do all this in WinAMP--besides that it loads faster and I'm used to it and it won't spontaneously change on me just because I have to restore an iPod from Mac to PC. [Insert your own Mac/PC rant here if you like, but I'll ignore it...]
I'd also like to know how it is that eBay buyers get every single one of my e-mails when they're asking about payment and stuff, but when I send a code [this Key Quest shit on Neopets] after it's paid for, they never get the mail X/
Nngh, I use too many asterisks in my prose 9_9 Can't I keep a consistent train of thought? \:' and look how long it is even after I gutted most of it! Unbelievable... well, that's why I practice writing every day ¬_¬ [speaking of, if I'm still with NIH next week and on, I'll be posting
here, if that interests you]