Oct 13, 2008 04:07
Note: Thomas forgot that we had gaming last night--yes, even though we'd called him before he went to work to remind him. Apparently he has this one-hour attention span, or something =p
Also, fatal flaw in gameplay: putting 120 "stages" in a game yet only 10 of those stages are unique designs X/ If I wanted to play those maps again, I would PLAY THEM AGAIN.
Artificially extending gameplay = BAD GAME DESIGN.
I've been trying to get through Adventure Mode of Luxor 2 on ANY DIFFICULTY for the past month or two, and I keep having to start over because the level design for more than a few maps is ridiculous, provoking an intense feeling of "the designer hates me with a passion" over the ideal "this is challenging but fun" >_< My sometimes-competitive nature compells me to get through the tedium of it, just to have it done and no longer on my mind [my misadventure with Puzzle Quest engorging a month of unemployment time comes to mind], but some days I just want to snap the disc in half.
Char has suggested buying it as DLC so it isn't grinding on the disc while I'm playing, but I don't think they deserve the money. I'd rather spend it on a worthwhile game =/ like Hotel Dusk ^^ ...just wish I could get past this hurdle of, "The game sucks, but I want to finish it and make sure I'm not missing anything."
*YAWN* should not be awake T_T