2901: Precious

Sep 27, 2008 02:03

So in a lax moment, I decided I would cave and dive into Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life [Scott Pilgrim Book 1]. After about ten minutes, if that, I gave up, getting as far as Scott is twenty-eightTWENTY-THREE, dating a 17-year-old Chinese girl in high school named Knives Chau,* first met her on the bus with her mother, has a snarky roommate, and plays in a band. There's some casual mention of video games, but overall I don't know what the catch is, and it's difficult to get past the "acquired taste" style to really dive in--unfair reason for dismissal, perhaps, considering I diligently read [some comics of questionable artistic merit], but there's a good reason.
*jimboomega's girl??

After the last new webcomic* I tried reading, I have specific criteria for whether to keep reading something new: If, after ten or twenty pages [starting from the beginning, naturally], I don't have a good idea of who the main character(s) is/are, what s/he/they can do, what his/her/their ultimate goal is, and--most importantly--what makes the comic worth reading, then the only way I would continue reading is if I had absolutely nothing else to do.
*I couldn't tell you what it was, save it was one of those ones cycling around Keenspot/Project Wonderful/wherever, though I bet I could describe it and at least one of you would complain that I didn't like it because I "only" read the first ten or so pages

I realize that this would disqualify many comics I currently read, including the ones where there's more emphasis on style than story, or there's so much story as to instead be a book or movie, but my time these days is so precious [despite the way I squander it] that I really don't have much of it to invest in anything new without good reason. It could be the greatest slow-starting story EVAR.* I wouldn't know because the slow start gives me no positive indication of whether I should squander any more time on it. Most of my dailies are gag comics, as it happens, because individual strips are generally more interesting even out of context--by comparison, I save almost none of a generally "serious" comic like TPR, because that's just a lot to save when it's most likely going to hit publication ANYWAY.
*I dub this The Beast Wars Effect, though BW kind of lost its impact for me after the initial viewing, much like most of Transformers save the initial Dinobots episode.

Incidentally, my brother does not have an LJ account or has given negative indication of such: I should have asked straight out if he had one, since "lj_xxx" suggests an icon tailored for LJ, but instead he said that was just the filename from "the website," so he apparently has no idea what LiveJournal is. Too bad, I'd expect him to have some hi-larious things to say =p though, if he started reading this, I bet he'd start complaining about what I'm missing out on...

...I might skim Book 2, since that's what the movie's most likely about. I'll wait until I actually see trailers for it, though.

I thought I had bought CDs with Washington Mutual, but even if they hadn't been FDIC-insured, they're actually with Wachovia. I have no grasp for this stuff--I just do what my father tells me =p which is going to hurt once he passes on... I have no idea how my mother will manage, for that matter. Anyway, ihatemoneyx100,000,000 XB

Been a while since the last riddle-me-this, huh? As described over dinner, here is this week's Lenny Conundrum:Suppose a1 is the first digit (after the decimal point) of Pi, a2 is the second digit, and so on...

What would the following formula equal:

(a1 - a2) * (a2 - a3) * (a3 - a4) * ... * (a99 - a100)
Contrast this with last week's, "Take all the answers to the previous Lenny Conundrums where the answer could be phrased as a number, add them all up, take the square root of that sum, round to the nearest integer, then substitute the resulting digits for letters like so..." =p which ended up having an irreconcilable error anyway, but considering the answer to Round 111 was "294,215,686,440,197,141,401 years," there was really a small margin of error in the event of a mistake in adding, since the potential difference would only have changed the last digit, MAYBE last two digits. A chore all the same X(

Ugh. Bad sleep all week makes for crash time =p 'night!

booky, internety, ihatemoney, nocomic, arty, plotty, riddlemethis, terminology, seepy, philosophy, irresponsibly

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