2823: The Only Couple on the Floor

Jul 11, 2008 01:46

Flaky Time =p I seem to pick up new projects as I get up to speed on old ones--going back to work was actually WORK =p and I didn't really goof off that much, short of doing catch-up reading for my advice columns that accumulated during the week of downtime.

On top of that, I have guide work! Figures they'd fix the computer today--which, it turns out the COMPUTER was futzing it up! Nothing [...really] wrong with the SCANNER. X/ Ugh.

Token wedding gem:On weddings as "my day":

When I first got engaged, everyone and their cousin gave me unsolicited wedding advice. With all that advice, how come no one ever warned me about THIS?

When someone tells you, "It's your day, do whatever you want, don't let anyone else tell you what to do," they are LYING. What they really mean is, "Make any choice you want as long as it's the same choice that I would make."

I am so tired of this. I didn't even want a big wedding; my sole reason for not eloping was to avoid breaking my mother's heart. And now I get [expletive] for every single decision I make.

Some people tell me directly ("What do you MEAN you're not having any bridesmaids?!? You were MY bridesmaid, so I get to be yours!!") Most of them, however, tell me about the Horrible Offense through the grapevine ("Your father is very upset that you don't want him to walk you down the aisle. . . . Yes, I suppose it is a very sexist tradition, but can't you just do this for him?")


I hate wedding planning. I hate the whole idea of the wedding. It's stupid and expensive and I don't even think I will enjoy it. Ironically, we've gone out of our way to try to make choices that we thought our guests would appreciate: short ceremony, location close to an airport (lots of out-of-town guests), early in the day so that people can fly out that same night if they have work the next day (it's on a Sunday because getting a Saturday in June is completely impossible unless you plan two years in advance). And yet every decision we make is wrong.

My unsolicited wedding advice to everyone out there: Don't have a wedding.

Combine this with the rest of my conversation with Mr. Helm:Mr. H: So you'll be the next Tennessee wedding?
Me: *pokes Char* Actually, HE wants to have it in England.
Mr. H: Well, why not do BOTH? One here and one there?
+ subsequent joke about telecommutingmarrying =p

Please note that Mr. H has the most laid-back demeanor of anyone I know--especially every parent I know [which makes the talk I've heard about him doing the Dads Against Daughters Dating thing sounds rather strange, but I've never been present in a HULK SMASH!!1 hour]--so it's served with a heaping of salt grains =9 but... the idea of planning ONE wedding scares me, much less TWO ::T_T::
Boy, sure takes the fun out of getting hitched, dunnit? :/ this whole "Make a huge show of it" thing... guess that's why we've never gotten around to heading down that path... ¬_¬

hax, mawwiage, ugh!, whataworld, workcrap, flaky

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