2815.3: (I Just) Died In Your Arms Tonight

Jul 03, 2008 22:02

...I think this is officially the last time I will dye my hair. EVAR. Frankly, it's getting annoying, and I just end up looking like every other Japanese [read: bleached/dyed mousey-brown hair].

This wedding thing is really happening, isn't it? Oh snap oh snap oh snap oh snap oh snap oh snap oh snap ToT Why am I never ready for a vacation?? Odd as that sounds??

I'm packing, but have doubts about showing, the proof to my folks. Thing is, my father in particular has a critical nature--not condescending, but I mean things like, once I showed him a picture I liked, and his comment was, "The perspective's off."

That's IT. [And it was.]

It isn't to say that he means it disrespectfully, or that he's always been negative. It's just what I expect, and--most likely--is why I'm so mega-picky about my stuff. That, and I already know all of its flaws--I don't need to be shown more of them -_-;

G'NITE SEE YOUS MONDAY [late Sunday?] =O

tehfams, bother, arty, negatively, ronbake

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