2585: LS&M Remix (Joolz Club Mix)

Nov 16, 2007 09:33

Despite what Char says, work is exactly the same horrible shit [plus people bugging me about leaving, which includes Big Boss now] until my last day has actually happened. Worse, today, since we had exactly three Backroom peeps tonight: me, Error, and Clueless II [more accurately, "Mr. Cranky," but I don't feel like going into that]. I mean, I've basically stopped caring about the job I do--minus my usual compulsory habits of grouping similar items and sorting them for optimal space usage that slows me down so much--but it's irritating having that kind of pressure shoved on me as what feels like a last ditch bridge burning.

Big Boss invited me to come back if things didn't work out, but A HA HA HA HA HA HA XB

[I note that she looks like she could be Nag's older, more mature, infinitely more pleasant sister, which goes to show something.]

Love: So, I'd been explaining to everyone that the reason I'd cut my hair was that I donated it to Locks of Love, and half of them didn't know what it was. I haven't actually sent it off yet =/ just from not having printed out the form and put it in an envelope and gone off to the post office. Prolly doing that tomorrow if Nano doesn't bog me down too much.

Cream said he'd heard I cut it off so I could look all "professional" for my new job ¬_¬ yeah, if cutting my own hair badly was professional... When I explained about LoL, he said, "Yeah, that's exactly something you would do."

How do people say that kind of stuff? Do I come off as a charitable person, especially when I donated not a dime to the United Way drive when they made us fill out forms of how much we would donate [not "whether"--the forms were mandatory even if donating nothing]? When I've been a spoilsport grump at every "fun" thing they try to do? Is that one of those ridiculous standby phrases to throw out, like "I work in retail." "Oh, I'm sorry."? X/

[don't answer those]

Incidentally, one of the latest guest comments was "Reduce prices by the amount you donate to charity. Charity begins in the home! I want to choose what charities get my money, and I don't like some of the charities you pick." ...like Breast Cancer? =/ I mean, hello Scrooge! WTF.

Sex: 9_9

Money: I got my latest pay stub tonight, and it turns out I still have Personal Holiday time [sick days, or whatever], which I LOSE if I don't use them before I leave X( Goddamn bitches! I thought I cashed all that in already, that was the idea |=o

Hey Mr. DJ says 1. I get my paid vacation when I leave [at least], and 2. she wants to "do something" for me. I immediately said "don't" and will most likely say something to the effect of "If you do something for my last day, I'm leaving as soon as it starts" when I go in on Saturday X/

I got my math book again [The Puzzling Adventures of Dr. Ecco, which even has the correct cover! [not the one on Amazon]], and while I still think the problems are interesting, they're still really too much like math homework to post =/ so you get fallback riddle:You are hiking to Lavinia from Dandridge when you come to a crossroad. The signpost has fallen over, so you don't know which path leads to Lavinia. What do you do?
There is a variant that includes two brothers, one who always tells the truth and one who always lies, but I file that in with the "red herring" riddles 9_9 I mean, it's kind of cheating to make part of the riddle be to deduce that some clues are irrelevant...

charitably, booky, ihatework, whattheshit, ihatemoney, nag, whataworld, riddlemethis

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