2523: 白虎野(パプリカバージョン)

Sep 15, 2007 08:59

DEAR ABBY: Please provide a public service to prevent people from looking foolish, specifically those who -- bless their hearts -- have made some drastic change in their lives or their attitudes, and say they have done a "360."

I'm no math professor, but a circle is 360 degrees, which would put them right back where they started. I think the correct thing to say would be, "I've done a 180." What do you think? -- RUNNIN' IN CIRCLES OVER RHETORIC IN FLORIDA

DEAR RUNNIN' IN CIRCLES: I think you are absolutely right, which is why I'm printing your letter.
I've been having more involved dreams again of the "epic adventure movie" variety, but it's a bit like living Memento. When I wake up from the larger-than-life pseudoreality I'm gradually presented [since it takes forEVAR to fall asleep], I feel that I've been jerked out of the world I've known and thrust into some different animal entirely. Almost all of them have some goal I was trying to accomplish [this last had several in one that kind of morphed into the next iteration as my environment changed], leaving me feeling upon waking that I failed to finish my task(s).

So that's where it comes from! =p I mean, I'm aware there are things I haven't gotten around to doing IRL, but most of my nagging sensations of incompletion really stem from those dreams, made worse by the fact I'll never be able to finish what I started. Frustrating! >_<

Yet it was kinda cool being a huge gryphon-thingie, even if I killed and ate a live peacock standing there for that very purpose [didn't kill it properly before I started munching... ugh! T_T].

I did actually get some of my act cleaned up: my desk is now [...more] organized, all my important papers have been put away [though I still seem to be missing a few somehow T_T], I've started a much-needed backup of all the digital crap I've accumulated in the past however-long-since-the-last-backup, and a whole bunch of recycling is ready to dump. Still no progress on writing/illos T_T but my rationale seems insistent on my fleshing out the foundation of my work [hard-coding character backgrounds and so on rather than winging it] before doing much of anything else, as though it's embarrassed that the bulk of my life's creative work has been content over presentation ¬_¬

[which is more embarrassing being a layout monkey but having kind of a scrapped-together webpage than anything else, since I kinda believe more in content over style]


arty, organizy, otnemem, abby-tips, dreamy, difficulty

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