2512: Take Me Away (Into the Night) (radio vocal)

Sep 04, 2007 09:34

After our having no preset schedule for an uncomfortable amount of time, the schedule for next week finally came out--HOLY SHNAPS I ACTUALLY HAVE A SATURDAY UNSCHEDULED!!!1!!1ONE! =o =o =o =o =o

Mind, I'm scheduled a total of three days: Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday... however, "opt-in"/"Do you need more help on X day when I'm off?" is preferable to a hard-coded five days 9_9 even if I am likely going to take the scraps of overtime earnings I haven't splurged and instead stay home those days to catch up on some things I meant to do XP

...like, unpack XP XP XP [and, this would've been helpful in the bulk of August!]

Saturday, though! Shit! I thought being given a Saturday off without having to ask was a pipe dream! When I look at the schedule, there's only maybe five others out of 100+ on staff that aren't either unavailable on at least one of Saturday/Sunday or are scheduled for four or fewer days. I was getting tired of them milking this particular cow >_<

[Mind, Christmas is coming... *shudder*]

One of the guys who quit some time ago came in as I was walking out the door. He said hi, and it didn't immediately register that someone had spoken to me, so it took me a sec to realize who it was. I still don't know, to be honest T_T 'cause he was kinda unmemorable [besides being a decent worker, I remember], so I don't even remember giving him a nickname =( "Luckily," most people realize I hardly ever say other people's names when talking to them, so I don't think I'm particularly offending anyone... or, they're not saying anything if I am :/

Time for yoghurts and TEH DREW =O

happyhappy, ilikework, =3

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