2422: ruiner

Jun 06, 2007 10:43

My posts are at odds with my feelings, that I feel a good blogger* posts somewhere between "once in a while" and "some days of the week" or at the very least on a consistent topic 90% of the time. My rationale for disobeying my blog* whims is that, as a sporadic writer, it's in my best interest to record things while I have them in mind before I lose them or forget where they came from/what prompted them--"My Tormentor" being one of those things, since that person is no longer.

*though, I still hate these terms.

I regularly question what I think to post, though. For instance, there was this woman at the store yesterday morning who literally loaded up her cart with over 2,000 envelopes [I swear, no exaggeration]. Yesterday, I had simply forgotten about her in the interest of posting what I did, but I remembered after I saw my own box of [40] envelopes. Even then, was it worth noting? I didn't want to boot my computer again just for that, certainly, and it's mostly a non-noteworthy-but-curious incident. This is the kind of stuff I debate whether to post--is there future reference value in it for me? Is it even mildly entertaining for y'all to read? I have no idea until I post and [fail to] get responses, though even that's only a rough guesstimate.

Title: The usual dilemma with working with others--especially n00bs--is that if I have it in my mind to do something specific with an area, someone else working in the area tends to muck that up. I can't fuss at them for doing it [except, with the n00bs, when they put something completely inappropriate like broken merch in a location], because my methods are too anal for others to adapt to using.

In a way, it's like how, in Death Note, Yagami Light as Kira is distinctive from the other Kiras in who he chooses to kill and why, which is how L picks up on there being more than one. Criminals who committed crimes accidentally [involuntary homicide] or were repentant, Light would not kill. Misa Amane as Kira II killed trivial criminals that Light wouldn't have killed, to prove her ability without Light accidentally messing up her plans by killing in advance a criminal she had planned to kill, plus she killed anyone who spoke out against Light-as-Kira. That creepy guy whose name I forget even though I just watched Ep. 21 as Kira III killed pretty much anyone who was reported, but also anyone whose death benefited the company. Kira IV behaved like Light but also wanted to punish more trivial things like laziness.

To the Shinigami, all the Kiras did their job--it really didn't matter. To each distinct Kira [or, to Light at least], the actions of the other Kiras was improper but not something directly controllable. Same thing with me--I can't afford to sit there and teach everyone how to be as retentive about the work as I am, especially to those I don't see who mess things up anyway and/or who have no incentive to listen to me.

So, the other newest n00b has a name that sounds like either a pasta or a salamander. After tonight, he's "Ruiner," but that's not entirely fair, because he's not the only one fucking up my shit, but it felt like he was doing it the most. I thought about calling him Spaghetti Lizard, but that's kinda weird. It's that or Ruiner Lizard, though. [Spaghetti Ruiner?]

TANGENTALUS I reinstalled my printer to get the 20% off coupon from Borders, but I seem to be getting a lot of scary sounds out of it, sounds like when I forget to unlock the scanner after moving it. I mean, it's intentionally a cheap printer just for printing the random MapQuest directions and so on, since I have no use for a high-end one, but I'd rather not have to buy a new one.

I think I've contributed my minimal effort to Altador Cup II. I can safely resign now =p [only the two bonus games--actual playing the Altador Cup is several rounds of suck, and why I didn't submit anything last year]

I've taken a short break from animating, too, because a shortly-due LTD2 bill that, for what reason, can't be paid online prompted me to dig around for my 2¢ stamps, and there is a LOT of stuff piling up I meant to do something with that I never did. Like, old calendars--I really can't justify keeping them, but I like the photos, so I'm scanning them in and adding them to my reference files [to be lost later due to backup failure issues, to be certain, but in the meantime...], then I'll recycle the lot. It's just a pain to do, which is why I didn't bother before.

Anyway, a hint about what I'm watching:

That's as far as I got, though, before thinking, "SOMG POINTLESS GIFSZORS!!!ONE!" =p

But that may be where I get what "SKILLRZ" I have in animation, doing all this pointless animated GIF crap and looking frame-by-frame at everything. [Certainly it doesn't hurt.]


deathnote, photoy, writey, lolololol, bother, workcrap, journal, neojank, moviey

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