The unfairness of what is currently the norm for Overnight at work is summed up thus:
1. Labour laws require businesses such as Target Corporation to give non-salaried workers at least one unpaid break every six hours--that is, no employee may work longer than six hours straight while on the clock.
2. Paid breaks are lumped together into one 30-minute break instead of two 15-minute breaks for reasons of simplicity, even though this ["grouping" breaks] is prohibited by law.
3. The aforementioned lumped-together paid break is scheduled 3.5 hours after clocking in.
4. Off-the-clock lunch breaks [at least for Backroom] are currently scheduled for 5.5 hours after clocking in.
5. Breaks are scheduled in this fashion so as to maximize the length of time between necessary punches in and out. [At current, I wouldn't "have" to punch out until 10:30a!]
6. During the second legal six-hour period of clocked-in work, there are no further breaks except for smokers [whose 15s are broken up to accomodate not being able to leave the building until 6a, when the alarm comes down].
7. I don't smoke.
Putting all these facts together means after a certain point, I go crazy out of unfair stresses--for instance, needing a restroom break and not *really* being allowed to take one while on the clock. I get exponentially crazier after the store opens and we're still not allowed to leave for whatever reason, especially during "not really busy" times like this! [Easter hasn't been a big deal this year.] It drives me batty, like the whole intercom muzak nonsense, but when the Execs don't care...?
I feel like it's too trivial to bring up with HR. For one thing, I--and everyone else--will end up sneaking off to the can whenever anyway. For the other, I've been burying myself in iPodness anyway. I know it's unfair to force myself to bend the rules when I know I shouldn't, but it always feels like there's better things to worry about than whether I'm less uncomfortable than I am.
That, and lack of a suggestion box means complaining requires staying after at work EVEN LONGER XC
Otherwise, I didn't do a damn thing today. Someone had The Incredibles on at break, and what can I say? :p Also, I seriously need to edit down more of my playlist... GRR BORROWED COMPOODER WHERE IS MINES >:B
On the plus side, Ratty mails! ^o^ Thanks, Linds! The smiley's awesome =D Wish I could see your show!
Inspire me! [post there, not here]