2314: Shuffle or Boogie

Feb 18, 2007 11:26

So, to add insult to injury, I got hit in the lip tonight with a renegade Bionicle [which subsequently got a good sound thrashing as per my usual temperament for the kind of thing], so with the feeling of being severely elderly and arthritic, I was feeling very not happy for most of the evening. At least men are biologically built to generally be able to lift something like fifty pounds without blinking an eye--I could barely do that with ten, today, with both hands.

By the aeon lunch FINALLY rolled around, I was actually almost feeling better. Sure, I'm still sore, but only in that kind of, "Yeah, I got a lot of work done today" way, which must have been my body saying, "Hey, that smack in the face shows that actual recent pain should feel worse than pain a day or two old... better stop the hurting!" :p and I guess the "birthdays for the month" cupcakes helped a little, even if the pink and red icing reminded me too much of lipstick to really go down well... x_x

Even so, I felt the fun I should have had from game night was spoiled by the still-impending doom of Stuck Car, so I said fuck it to responsibility:

First Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye
She's even in uniform, too ^^: bwa ha ha... although iTunes is obnoxious! :p and unlike Black-Hayate, Riza has no way to delete songs I decide I don't want in the playlist anymore... very dependent on my computer [which ought to fit the name scheme, but it was already Minzoku and I don't feel like changing it]. Still, I did actually put nearly every song on it I have that is NOT on Black-Hayate, so if I get tired, I can always switch them out for a different selection.

[long names are fun... ^^]
I also thought of names for future players, should I upgrade:
- 2GB iPod Nano: "Second Lieutenant Jean Havoc"
- 4GB iPod: "Lieutenant Colonel Roy Mustang" [8GB?: promotion to "Colonel"]
- 30GB iPod: "Major Alex Louis Armstrong" XD

...iPhone? Err... "Greed"? "Gluttony"? =p You kiddin' me?

If I get a Zune... hmm... Lieutenant Colonel Maes Hughes? ...:^o^:... I mean, if it's doomed ANYWAY...

I have also released TDVC into the wild! Wonder if anyone will get it, or if it's dumpster bound... :( Unfortunately, the ATM decided it wouldn't accept my check for deposit, so that's all I did while there--otherwise Sunday's a great day for banking! ¬_¬

Getting stuck kind of boned me over for projects, though. I mean, even if I mail the book on Tuesday, it SHOULD get there before the 24th [25th is Sunday?] if I send Priority, but I always worry all the same. Also, they give a day's warning to get species-specific artwork in before that species' Pet day, UNLESS they have enough, so I may not get my Tonu Day picture in this year :/

...except as a "belated" one, which reeks of "couldn't get it done on time" that I want to avoid. Ugh.

Stupid President's Day!

Edit x ELEVENTY FILLION: I got a prize for leaving work, to boot! I found a Happy Meal "Catscratch" toy in the parking lot o_O

shoppy, bx, whatapain, photoy, ihatemoney, hayate, neojank, hat

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