2308.2: Witness

Feb 12, 2007 11:17


Master Sergeant Kain Fuery ["KainFuery"] and Black-Hayate ["BlackHayate"] (l to r)

I seem to have the Military theme going... yeah, I said "Den" would be the one I purchase, but then I realized--since I'm CHEAP--I will undoubtedly end up getting multiples, not just one. Also, y'all's testimonies have been evidence enough that even if I got a higher end model [any kind], that doesn't necessarily mean I would be buying only one in my lifetime, so I may eventually have the whole brigade =p

Technically, Fuery is the 2GB SD card I got from work, because the player not only takes a memory card but takes one a different size from my camera's [camera is still unnamed--I'm not so attached to it, even though I would rather not lose it]. Granted, my camera really doesn't need even the 128MB cards I'd gotten for it, but 128-256MB for music is kinda not a lot, so I'm glad to have Fuery around now.

In all, it ended up being about $100 total [the majority of which was the memory card], including an additional carrier armband, but I get twice the capacity of a Shuffle and less than half the probable reliability :p My father sent me more money, though, so I'm not too put off by having bought more stuff at the moment. At the very least, I can fit all of Fawx's eleventy-hour mixes on my player now XD all ten of them...

...I've already found a problem, though--no shuffle :/ that is, it plays the tracks in order, from the first, every time... crap.

Eh, I can deal. Live and learn.

I got a new sketchbook, too: one that is decent-quality [read: no Neopets in it] but small enough to fit in my lunchbag. I may finally get around to doing all the illos for B2S1 now X/ since that seems to be almost the only time I can get things going. I mean, I got quite a bit done while hanging with the Fawx/Wuff/SG, but that was a fluke, apparently :/ and wasn't replicated Saturday. *grump* :(

shoppy, hayate, photoy

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