2268: 1 2 3 4 007

Jan 03, 2007 09:05

1. Gotta clean cages.

2. I know I'm paranoid [though they might be after me, as well], because I keep having the feeling I'm in trouble when there isn't anything specifically hanging over my head as such. Yes, there's the stuff at work about how they've noticed me slowing down, but not being the Alpha anymore doesn't mean I'm immediately the Omega. There's really not much I can do about my situation, though, and yet it's hard to say, "Calm down, already. There's nothing else you can do, so don't worry about it so much.

3. Relatedly, I dreamt about my ex again [the first one--I'll have to call him Frist or something, just to maintain the anonymity thing and avoid saying "my first ex" all the time], and it made me feel really bad--"scared" bad--because he was stalking me with intent to freak me the hell out. Worked, too >_<

The problem with dreams like that are they have no bearing on reality [some do, believe it or not] and impress a strong negative feeling upon me that shouldn't have an effect on my relations with the people in my dreams, but it does. With Frist, it's difficult to dismiss those feelings, because I haven't seen him or even heard about him in over ten years, whereas if I dream about Charlies, I can dismiss an incorrect thought when he wakes me up. [It's pretty easy to tell when my dream is entirely wrong, in his case.]

I hate writing down bad dreams, because that means I'll eventually stumble back on this post and remember the bad feelings without benefit. Unfortunately, that's part of the recording process, that I can't usefully chronicle a musing about bad feelings from out of nowhere without actually giving an example.

At least I have book material... 9_9 speaking of which...

4. My teeth have been caving in, it feels like. I bite my tongue regularly [though lightly], just by relaxing. It doesn't seem worth an orthodontist trip, though, because I've already had them corrected, and any further action would no doubt be painful and/or destructive to my alignment.

Or, my body sucks X(

007. Almost forgot to mention, my co-workers had this little exchange [I don't remember who said what, hence A and B]:A: So what did you do for New Year's?
B: Not much... watched the ball drop, saw some 007 movies... that's about it.
and I said, "DURRRRR XB" [emoticon and all]

Bugger's been... less obnoxious lately, to where Fat Boy Slim [increasingly "Noisy Fucker" due to Fat Boy apparently calling it quits or something and diminishing the significance of FBS being FBS] is more the one I would most like to see gone from the team. He's still obnoxious, though, but I'm not inclined to keep a tab on it or anything. I mean, at least I don't live with him X( [gad forbid]


whoops, whatapain, quote-groan, badtrip, buggeroff, toothy, philosophy, busted

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