663: Patrons of the Arts

Oct 26, 2006 04:30

I feel a bit rude posting this, but I always end up posting what's on my mind, particularly on bored nights off--I can't help that, and it's temporarily keeping me off the goddamn Neopets plot that's currently eating my soul. As usual, I'll at least use as vague descriptions as possible.

I've been splurging a bit on buying original artwork, particularly lately--prints are nice, but they lack some of the feel of the original pieces. In particular, I've been amassing artwork from two specific sources, despite it being something I "shouldn't" be doing [because it's supposedly a waste of money from what's socially acceptable from someone in my position, though there's no other way for most full-time artists to survive if people like me don't occasionally contribute in this fashion]. From the perspective of someone who can only afford maybe one nice thing once in their lives, it's unfair for someone like me to buy up everything from a single artist, instead of letting more people get one or two things, but I feel if I really want something I have every right to buy it, no matter the demand and no matter what the feelings are of people who *might* have bought it in another five or ten years.

That said, buying original artwork is annoying, because [excepting bootlegs] there's only one of any specific thing, and if it's gone, it's gone. I'm still pretty let down because I once missed out on a very nice cel on a certain auction site, because they didn't have proxy bidding at the time, and I was on the road at the exact instant the auction closed, despite having bid it up pretty high just a half-hour or so before. I have lots of great cels, but only because I snapped up what I could when I could, and though they're nice, none of them really compare to the one I missed [currently on my wishlist].

I hate non-proxy online auctions! Sure, I could have bid myself into debt and won THAT way, but it made me feel like I lost by default because it closed at the wrong time. [I also unfairly hate that I had to be on the road at that point--that felt unfair as well, but I'm prolly being unfair about that... anger isn't reasonable, though.]

Similarly, I hate that people may like certain people's work but won't support them. I can't make people spend their money wisely, though, but it's certainly frustrating watching others complain about their debt after buying tons of useless crap they don't need or even want a week after buying them. [Obviously, I can't make people have some common sense, either.]

...hmm. Rants feel like they ought to be longer :p Ah, well. I should really get around to scanning in all this stuff I meant to scan in, anyway. It's better than defacing a virtual graveyard X( [stupid plot!]

This has been your "Julie Has Too Much Time on Her Hands" post for today! ...wow, I'd totally forgotten what weekends were like! :o I need to have them more often! ^^:

Edit: Ya know, I wish Itoya had some slightly LARGER portfolios than their largest! I can't fit, for instance, my Shortpacked! original into the largest by a half-inch X( and it's pissing me off. Looks like I'll have to store it in the one poster frame, along with the four other oversize things I have! X/

Edit x2: AAAAAGH I HATE HANDLING CELS I AM GETTING FINGERS ACID ON THEM T_T::::::::::::::;;;;;;.........1...

bother, arty, negatively, illogically, neojank, ihatemoney

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