639: Declaration of War!

Oct 02, 2006 08:11

I record this as evidence and explanation, perhaps as unintentional follow-up to my recent musings.

It doesn't take much to set me off. I recognize how little, by the fact I get angry over one slight, whereas it took six or seven different thefts of her character Xaphan to really anger Tracy Butler to the point where she posted public retribution. [In fact, this is a huge part of why she changed her characters to humans, though that ended up merely changing the selection of thieves.] I mean, I suppose she got angry at each time, but she maintained a professional mien about it... I try, but it's not easy.

At any rate, I received a hate Neomail the other day, from someone jealous that I was getting super-high scores at Word Pyramid. Well, I guess to be fair, it was more passive-hate than frothing hate, but it was still scolding me for being good at a game that, in my opinion, is pretty easy to master [though I have a massive vocabulary on TEH INTERNETZ, apparently]. It put me in quite a foul mood for the rest of the day, that's how little it takes to annoy me, though I try to put it out of my mind the best I can after giving a very calm-in-tone response that it was my right to play how I wanted as long as I wasn't breaking TOS.

Is that enough to push me over the edge? Of course not. Mail #2, on the other hand:"Why don't you try some new games instead of hoarding the Word Pyramid trophies? You are leaving no opportunity for anyone else."
Before reading my response, consider for a moment. This person assumes
1. I don't play any games but Word Pyramid. [On the contrary--he should see this other person who rules the World Challenges for it.]
2. I win the trophy to spite everyone else or show off. [Not really... it just happens to be an easy way to earn a lot of NP for relatively no effort.]
3. I "force" everyone else out of 1st place if someone should dethrone me. [I don't think it's worth the effort, when I barely muster the patience to play my once-or-twice per month initial throning after the high score table reset.]
4. Being not as skillful as others at some things is unfair. [PFFFT LAWLS AND BAWLS]

So, my response:Everyone has plenty of opportunity to outscore me. I only play once or twice a month, and it's not as though there's a maximum possible score, period. I can't even get the Grand Master score for Destruct-O-Match I've been working on every day, so what else am I going to do? You could always just accept the challenge to try harder instead of whining that someone else is better than you.
Despite my anger, I would have let it end at that, but--right as rain--I got a follow-up:You're only 'better' than me because you kept playing and I decided to quite since 10k should be by far enough for gold. This is the last time I'm spending my valuable time on reset just to be robbed by you hoarders.

Of course, I could easily just block that person, but--as I discovered when I decided on my reply--he had already blocked me. Isn't that just sweet? Harass someone, then block them so they can't harass you back, even politely. Well, guess what? Neopets has a bypass for that in the form of secondary accounts, and as long as I had his username [which I did], I could easily return the favour [which I did, though I was still very factual and relatively polite in my response]. Of course, to make the attack work properly, I would have to block ALL non-Neofriends, on both accounts, so to prevent an endless cycle of such stealth attacks.

Fine. I was getting quite tired of the scams and guild invites and demands to randomly Neofriend people anyway, so it was just the straw that broke the camel's back. I will tell you with no doubt in my mind that this has definitely ruined an otherwise pleasant day, something I will have to wash away by staying up late to make a Borders run for Death-Note.

I shouldn't have been polite and withheld the offender's name. Unfortunately, that's a freezable offense, so I can only belittle in private as a means of venting. I only wish my retribution could be greater than merely getting my usual high score--WITH A VENGEANCE XB

hathathathathat, reasoning, negatively, neojank

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