611.1: FMABTW

Sep 04, 2006 10:18

Mum got me a month-late birthday present consisting of Full Metal Alchemist DVDs #1-3 ^^: Am I now obligated to collect the rest =p or do I assume another three or so will be coming for Christmas?

At any rate, I think FMA and I are inextricably tied somehow 9_9 I'm not sure if it's my favourite favourite manga, because my interest wavers between them depending on which has been the longest without new release, and I think others are funnier/prettier/whatever-er. However, though I find it inferior to its manga, I'm leaning toward FMA being my favourite anime, mostly because I've been in that scientific mindset [what with Pluto and all, particularly] and realizing, based on factors like how eager I am to watch it again and again and what I feel I've taken away from it, that the show has the highest appeal of all the serialized ones I've seen.

Last Exile used to take the seat. I've had to ponder, though, what I got from it besides it was cool and pretty and--for the most part--well-written. I couldn't tell you what the point was, though, beyond showing the beauty of normal people doing normal things [for their world] and the general triumph of good over evil. FMA is, if I had to make comparisons, like Blade Runner in the way my brother had praised it--it's about how people want to cheat death, but they can't.

Similarly, I could say Yu-Gi-Oh!--underneath the card game of a side trip--is about friendship, but because Takahashi said so himself. I'm rather not fond of its anime, though, and I wish it had stayed more toward is original "general strategy"-oriented slant. I could also go on about other series as well, but I think most of them are the same kind of "day in the life" stuff that LE is, instead of one broad-reaching goal.

We'll see how I feel in another two years or so, though, when the US finally catches up with Japania. I mean, I *have* vol. #13 of the manga, but I've refused to read it because I don't have #9-12 in either language :( It's like, "AUGH WHAT A TEASE !_!"

...is Internets back yet? Stupid ComCrash X( I heard them banging around in the box outside, too! |:p Ugh.

manga, anime

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