525.2: beating a dead horse

Jun 10, 2006 11:04

Ah, yes, I see the full moon's just about there. *cue*

The scariest thing, when envisioning myself ever having kids, is the idea of putting them through school :p [even just to high school...] Health issues are so much simpler and black-and-white by comparison, but even the best scenarios are still more worry than I think I could handle.

Labour is pretty frightening, too--I don't handle pain very well [who does?]--but, even as much of a supporter of adoption as I am, I don't know if I could actually adopt a child, either... at least not one too old, because then the child already has too much of a personality and is effectively Someone Else's Child by then. [I'm really shy around Someone Else's Children.]

Of course, that's a bridge I would cross when I come to it. First, I would prefer to 1. own a home [and NOT live with Shu, even if he lost the ball-and-chain], and 2. be married, because that's psychologically healthy and legally responsible. The latter's still a problem, though, because I really don't want to plan a wedding X( EEW WHITE

[There's only one way I'd wear a white dress... and... ... ... ... ... that's part of that over-a-year-of-planning crap, I think.]

I also worry about universal disapproval of our choices of names XD because, despite getting peer approval of my original solo choices, I don't want to use those anymore :p

--mostly because I don't want to even *seemingly* name my kids after my characters 9_9 because that's going to negatively affect them later on when they read my crap... "You named me after the doggy thing? T_T WAHHH I HATE YOU MOMMY" :/

[...he was named after Vonnegut. Really.]

The third thing--I got off-track--would be to get a dog, not specifically because I want one [at least, over a kitty], but because Charles likes them, and it would ease me into more direct responsibility. Cats, I house-sat with three of them and really didn't care for them as such... certainly not like caring for a baby. Jurburs are also low-low maintenance. If I am ever going to actually be a mother, I need to get in the proper mindset first, and cats--while I like them more--are a bit more selfish and antisocial.

Not a Mary dog, either--too big and makes the mail carrier act stupid X/ One like that cute cute cute one Puck found during The Real World 3 would be cool, if I could ever figure out which breed it was =3

...or a Collie, fuck it.


I'm still procrastinating, aren't I... ^^: Good thing comics aren't kids, or I'd've been called into Comic Protective Services by now :p

taghappy, ambivalenty, nobabies, irresponsibly

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