430: all the luck

Mar 07, 2006 08:52

I had been looking forward to last night since... well... last Monday :B for the back-to-back Jack Bauer Power Hours, then HP Y4 after work! Yet again, though, they didn't have the street date on the floor by the time I left 9_9 so I'm going to have to hit up Germantown instead.

Also, it's really been getting to me when someone spends a lot of time interrupting when I'm trying to focus. [This is the biggest reason I don't like dealing with n00bs, that I'm obligated to break my concentration and figure out how to help them.] I mean, I don't mind, for instance, Dennis walking by and saying "Good morning" [particularly since he's a lot like the Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah guy], but if someone comes along and talks to or around me at length as though totally in love with the sound of his/her own voice, that gets to me.

I'm fairly aware I've done this in the past myself, which is why I get heavily self-conscious about it now. Interruptions really ought to at least be relevant to whatever the person being interrupted is doing, for minimal damage.

[Yes, I'm all Chloe O'Brien today... and most days, for that matter.]

Frustratingly, I can't find the receipt for the $20 luggage set I bought, and I'm still not eager to tear it apart so it will fit in my existing suitcase. I've been going through my receipts four and five times, hoping I overlooked it somehow, but the only thing I can figure is it was still in one of the bags that's now been thrown out, because I haven't shredded or knowingly thrown out any of the other recent receipts yet. I'll wait a bit more to see if I can't figure out a solution, but I may have to sell cheap/give away the new set, if anyone's interested.

XD which reminds me that I put in for Japan time tonight... I didn't mean to phrase it the way I did, but when Wanda commented that I was putting in really far in advance, it came out, "Well, I figured I'd put in for it now, because we've already put in the reservations." She and Melanie broke out laughing, commenting, "'You're gonna have to fire me! I'm a-gettin' this time off!'" ...whups =B

Feet hurt again Xp oh, and I managed to AA "un deux trois" yesterday, I forgot to mention. I did AA something today as well, but I can't remember which.

dancey, hat, grump

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