I have finished re-reading Excel Saga #1-13 [not all in one sitting, mind you], and things are a lot more cohesive now. I have also watched the first DVD, episodes #1-5, and they are... vaguely more cohesive.*
*Note: I have seen the anime before, but not in anything remotely a sequential order, and they really make much less sense without at least reading Vol. 1 and/or watching Ep. 2, hence my failure to really retain any of it. Also, the anime took HUGE liberties with the storyline, or what there was of it.**
**This is actually remedied especially in Vol. 13, as it gets massively serious for most of the book, which is actually somewhat disappointing, but it suggests that Koshi is actually trying to finish the story soon. Regardless, I might as well not have made this into footnotes, because this is fairly top-level information at this point, but whatever.
I don't know if I like the anime Hyatt or Sumiyoshi as much as their manga counterparts--they seem stupider/jerkier than my initial impression of them. It's also a bit jarring to see Hyatt's reddish hair coloured blue in the anime, though that may be a preferential thing [character-wise, I tend to like guys having blue hair and girls having red hair more than any other combination].
It's been crossing my mind, of course, that I wonder if I'm not a hypocrite in some way by watching subbed anime but reading--effectively--dubbed manga. Certainly "subbing" manga would be awkward, but at least I pick up [recognize] bits of Japanese here and there watching subbed anime... in manga, the original language is very nearly entirely erased. I may have to find the original manga and do a side-by-side comparison of what the creator originally wrote and what the translator+editor wrote.
[Speaking of Japan, I get the impression that I will be picking up lots of garage kits while I'm there! ...mostly of certain ships :3 of course]
I also, having forgotten that Charles just got I-BA-RA, played DDR in
TATE XD which was an experience in itself... not that it's really much different from playing in Reverse Scroll, given how even the slightest bit of dyslexia will throw off the whole game, but even when I rotate the steps to counter the telly, the arrows are in the wrong place for me to register them properly... even on songs I'd practically memorized.
I should practice it, though X/ Reverse, I mean, not tate 9_9 and Double as well, but that's even more disorienting DDR on cellphones? Ermm... yeah... o_O