418.1: 1040A

Feb 23, 2006 11:54

I hit the Stedwick post office to see if they had any forms... only 1040A and EZ :p I don't qualify for EZ, because my father has some mutual funds or other in my name, and that counts as another form of income... I read through the instructions for A, but I can't figure out if I can use it or not, because I don't know/remember what the stocks count as being.

I did NOT save money with Geico, because I got lazy and decided to just pay State Farm for a bit longer rather than bother calling them up to cancel my policy. I'm just too tired to do more than a few things in a day, particularly on a work night, though that's really no excuse since I'm just as tired on days when I come home and do FUCK ALL.Guilt is the price we pay willingly for doing what we are going to do anyway.
--Isabelle Holland
Dan had a girl o.o ...well, they knew she was a girl for a while, but they expected her in March. Still, it makes me feel old... :\

Anyway, Germantown is totally OUT of V-day clearance [except stuff hidden away that I'm not adventurous enough to troll around for], even though we still have a bundle of it. 90% off now, too! I could have gotten my damn Yugi stickers for 30 cents! :p I bet all of it that was on the floor and even what we left for Chuck this morning will be gone by the time I get in tonight, though... which is slightly a shame, but I can't really justify spending pocket change on a crappy flower arrangement* and some "heart candy" plushies when I could buy a bag of chips for lunch instead =B
*because crappy fake flowers make a home look homey! ¬.¬

--though I got a wad of that fancy pasta on clearance for 80 cents/box! Mmm, pasta! :9 and Namco Museum, because it's $10 and I can play Dig-Dug on my SP 9_9 and I was going to get Goof Troop Vol. 1, but... three episodes? \:' I bet it's another "random crap" dealie... grr...

...and the best part about getting a new car will be no more leak in the trunk XC


taxes, bother, shoppy, moneycrap, seepy

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