370: out with the old

Jan 06, 2006 09:17

I trend into cycling out my icons for a reason... one, because some tend to get stale, and two, I find new ones I like. There's a tertiary reason as well, that--especially being of a graphically-capable mind--I don't want to be trapped in a habit of always regurgitating someone else's work, the exception being if it's [as a lot of mine are] someone else's rendition of my character, or the usual "direct relation to one of my interests" excuse. Yes, I have the one or two odd icons I've swiped from someone else as a joke, but on the whole those don't stick around long in my dropdown [unless I'm particularly lazy about finding a replacement].

The thing is, I find it just a bit annoying when I find other artists doing exactly the same thing as me--ripping off someone else's stuff out of laziness. I've mentioned this before, but some of you have even stolen and modified someone else's ARTWORK without permission, which is even worse in my mind, particularly after chastising others for the same kind of "COPYWRIGHT ME!!! NO STEALIES!!! OMG ART THEFTS" efforts.

Does it matter? Particularly in the "LJ" scope of things, and for what are ultimately just chat avatars, prolly not, but as a principle, it's infuriating.

Anyway, I pulled a walkerton and bought the new "Cyber Planet Key" iteration of Snarl--predictably not a stegosaurus, but at least he's still an animal... a wuff in fact :3 I'm a bit stupid that way... can't pass up certain toys, no matter how naff.


bother, arty, philosophy

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