272: fair is fair

Sep 30, 2005 10:24

I remembered [some of] what I'd forgotten to mention, which is really poor of me, considering how I've been acting as of late ( Read more... )

workcrap, games, neojank

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Comments 6

199591 September 30 2005, 14:56:11 UTC
*seethes with hate at new pteriattack*
There's less of a viewing range for shit coming at you, it's MUCH shorter, and the image-box thing goes the same for when the T-Rex comes out to try and eat you. Far away from him? HOHOHO NOT FAR ENOUGH!!!11 Plus, apparently if you fly over a fire you lose a life? WTF I'M HIGH ABOVE YOU U TURD.

Arrrggh. I wish they wouldn't lvl so fast either. Shit just comes at you faster, for less NP. Sadface!


How do I access the old game again? *sob*


jen_aside September 30 2005, 23:52:57 UTC
It's actually a larger viewing range--there's just more to the side crap so it can be full-screened XP

The old game isn't there... or, it is under some long-ass hidden link I don't remember, but they haven't added it to the Game Graveyard yet, like they haven't for some reason added the old Faerie Cloud Racers [Tron] to the Graveyard yet.

Watch it--Evil Fuzzles from Beyond the Stars is next :B


jen_aside October 3 2005, 07:06:25 UTC
I, um, also tried flying over the fire, and I don't seem to die from it :' perhaps you got clipped? [That's easy to do--one of my huge complaints]


199591 October 3 2005, 07:13:56 UTC
Yeaaaah I'm assuming I got clipped XD
Ever since then I was avoiding the fire too, but I just tried going over it -- A.O.K. *heart*!

Ah well. Distracting nonetheless! :P

And also, re: the viewing range being smaller -- it's, by pixels and artistically WIDER, but much shorter.. the length... the dactyls come at you MUCH faster, in porportion it's not as long to maneuver in front of where they're flying, and since the icons of you and the enemies are "larger".. nhhh. I dunno. Things are faster. Not as easy to see them coming at ya and move yourself in front of them? Sadface.

At least I'm getting close to my old average NP in the new game now :\


I barely play Neopets anyway ;^;
*licks her Bank Account which -finally- after three years has 1,000,000 NP*



jenova_silver October 1 2005, 03:05:54 UTC
Maybe this attitude shift will last a while. I wouldn't hold my breath on it, but it would be nice.

Check to see if you have the latest version of shockwave and flash plugins. It might help with the glitches. Then again, I could be wrong.


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