May 21, 2009 00:43
Today I was driving home from a therapy session (which was awkward and weird for some reason; we had nothing to talk about) when I saw something that really upset me. I was 695 and had been in horrible traffic for about twenty minutes. I hadn't gone over 15 miles per hour in a long long time and decided to roll my windows down and blast music to draw attention to myself for entertainment. Then, a car near me swerved over to the shoulder where another car was parked and the people who were already there bolted over to the car while the people from the car that had pulled over to them jumped out and ran to them. As I drove by the car that had been parked there, which had all four doors open, I saw a woman frantically giving CPR to an older woman who was laying unconscious across the back seats. I turned my music off, rolled up my windows, and cried for a while.
I don't know those people. I have no idea if that woman lived or not or even what happened, but I was really upset. I mean, that was one of those defining moments in those peoples' lives. One of those moments where you don't care that your skirt is majorly riding up in front of traffic or that you are late to be somewhere or that your make up is running. It was like I could sense the wall that was up between all the drivers on the road and the people trying to save that woman. They were in there own little world of terror in this life or death situation and I had never seen anything like that before in my life. I was angry that I looked into the car and saw what I did.
I'm not really upset anymore. Now I just have questions. Like if that woman died and what was wrong with her and who those people were and who the people that pulled over were and if they knew the woman or were just trying to help.
I majorly bitched Wyatt out a couple hours ago. I told him about Hayden Panettiere's tattoo misspelling and how she fails and how she is dating a 31yr old for the second time. When he responded with "That guy is awesome" because "he gets to see that naked on a regular basis," I totally flipped a shit on him. It was unnecessary and out of line for me to yell at him but I'm not apologizing. I'm just mad because that bitch is annoying, obnoxious, and thin and I gained fourteen pounds this semester. I mean, I could blame my medication, because increased appetite and weight gain are two of its three most common side effects, but thats not reassuring at all. I mean, if I blame my medication, then I'll get in the mindset that I can't do anything about it, and then I won't do anything about it. And the fact that my WiiFit was lecturing me about eating right and exercise didn't help either.