As of a couple minutes ago, I am the proud momma of an unknown quantity of sea monkeys.
As one of my last vestiges of unemployment, I spent my last free Friday visiting the Science Museum of Minnesota, where I bought a Sea Monkey kit. I brought it with me to the first day of work and kept it until the person training me in moved out, and I could move in. As required by instructions, I filled the tank with water, only to discover the tank had a leak. I checked out the
Official Sea Monkey website and discovered that if I let them know the tank I bought had a leak, they'd send me a new one. Which they did!
Yesterday I filled it with water and added Packet #1 - water purifier. I waited 24 hours and just added Packet #2 - Sea Monkey eggs. According to my instruction book "After a few minutes, look into the tank and search for tiny white specks that are about the size of the period at the end of this sentence. They can be seen swimming about in a random and erratic manner."
Honestly, I don't see much yet. I can't tell the difference between all the bubbles floating around in there, the vestiges of the powder and random specks that are floating with no propulsion at all, but I do believe.
Happy Birthday Baby Sea Monkeys!