Willow's Valentines Part 2: Valentine from Giles 2/8

Nov 13, 2012 21:03

TITLE: Willow's Valentines - Revised BTVS
AUTHOR: Jen4850
SPOILER WARNING: "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered"
RATING: PG-13, Mild swearing, Discussion of sex but no action, No
SUMMARY: NOT a Wllow-Xander romance despite the title of this part.
DISCLAIMER: These characters are the property of Joss Whedon, The
WB, and Mutant Enemy. The story is mine.
Set immediately after "Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered", the Valentine's episode.Season 2 Episode 16

Part 2: Valentine from Giles

Willow left the library in a daze. She didn't realize she was wandering the hallways during the middle of a class period, a practice strictly forbidden by Principal Snyder. She was shaking.
The vision of herself and Giles she had just experienced made her feel like she was in the midst of an earthquake.

She couldn't keep her mind off Giles. Had all the time she had spent in the library been to see him? Could she really be that attracted to him and not be conscious of it?

Was she just admitting that there would never be anything between her and Xander? But the reasons she had loved Xander, because he was nice and normal and safe and not a sexual threat, those weren't the real Xander. Well, he wasn't a sexual threat to her, but she had warped him into what she needed.

Staring vacantly, she drifted around a corner and ran straight into a solid form. Giles grabbed her by the arms. "Willow." He stepped back quickly from her, dropping his hands. He looked at her intently; then, deeply concerned, asked "Willow, are you all right? You're shivering. Should I take you to the nurse?"

Willow looked up at him in stupefaction. What was going on between them? Was he concerned about her personally or just as a Slayerette? She had to get away. "I think I need to go home" she whimpered.

Giles answered immediately, "I'll take you. Do you have a jacket?" Willow shook her head no so he removed his suit jacket and draped it around her shoulders. Then he carefully ushered her out to his car.

Willow sat silently in the tiny car as Giles drove her home. His jacket surrounded her with his scent. She couldn't think clearly.

When they arrived at her house she sat immobile. Giles came around and opened her door. He held out his hand to help her out. Willow looked at it for a few seconds before grasping it, acutely conscious of this touch. She felt the warmth of his hand, the smoothness of his palm, a bit of roughness at the knuckles, a small callous from the way he held his pen. She focused on Giles' hand as if it held her whole future.

Then she was out of the car and he was slowly letting go of her hand. She wanted to grab his hand back but he was looking colder and more withdrawn than usual. Instead she said "Thank you."

Giles forced a smile. He stood and watched her till she got to her front door. "Can you come in?" she asked quietly.

"No." To cover his bruskness he added, "Call if you need anything." He hurried to the car and drove off.

Willow was still clutching his jacket around her as she stumbled to her room. Maybe she just had a crush on Giles. A crush on a teacher, that's normal, Willow thought, like Xander and praying mantis woman. Did a crush feel like this? She'd had crushes before and, no, they didn't feel like this. Besides why would she need to repress a crush?

A crush would explain the dreams she'd been having about Giles. She'd put them down to a need for stability and authority in her life. If she'd had those dreams about Xander or Oz or anyone else, she would have known they were about attraction, not authority. Willow blushed. They weren't really that kind of dream.

btvs, giles/willow

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