Rejected from Reading...

Mar 26, 2009 12:27

My UCAS status was changed this morning to say I have been unsuccessful with my application for Speech and Language Therapy at Reading Uni. I pretty much knew I wouldn't get in anyway, but now it's definite. I'm a bit sad in a way, but also just glad to know because at least I can get on with things now. It did annoy me a bit because their reason was 'You submitted an unsatisfactory personal statement,' which I really don't understand!

But at the end of the day, it's not what I really wanted to do (although I could have done Play Therapy after) so maybe it's for the best. So now I think I'm looking for a job in a nursery or pre-school (part time if possible) and will probably study for an undergraduate degree with the Open University. Might go for Psychology, but need to read all the booklets properley first. And then after that I can either hopefully go and do a post-grad Play Therapy degree, or possibly go into teaching, though I'm still not sure on that one yet. But my friend (who was my teacher since Year 7, Personal Tutor in Sixth Form, I babysit for her now and we are good friends etc) said once I've got a degree I could always go to my old school (where she works) and do a GTP there, and then you can pretty much teach anything. So it's something to keep in mind I think.

Not been great health wise - my M.E is really playing up at the moment. My brother is seeing his M.E nurse in a week or so, so I'm going to ask her if she knows of any adult services I can be referred to, because I really need some support with it right now. I'm not holding my breath for any services, but it's worth asking I get. My depression has been pretty naff too, but then I think a lot of that is to do with things being so uncertain at the moment, and also feeling so lonely. I'm fed up with my old so-called school friends. I tried at every opportunity to invite them over and organise little gatherings with them and they treat me like shit. They organise meet-ups between themselves and never ask me, they go on road trips to the beach and stuff and never include me, and now they appear to be planning a holiday together. I've had enough of it - I don't deserve to be treated like this and I'm not taking it any more. I'm not going to bother organising things with them because I'd rather put my energy into getting to know some other people who seem to actually care. There's quite a few young people at my church, and I have always been friends with them in that we would always say hi to each other and stuff, but never really close friends where you would invite each other out and stuff. But I've started doing more stuff with the church, like volunteering at a youth drop-in centre, helping at a baby group etc and have been seeing some of them a bit more, and they've been really lovely. So welcoming and saying they'd love to get to know me better and stuff. And some have left some lovely comments on Facebook, saying we should meet up and stuff. So I think I'm going to try and get to know them a bit better, as hopefully they might treat me with more respect and care!
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