I just watched 300 and it was the gayest movie I've ever seen

May 16, 2008 23:56

I HATE Entertainment Weekly for introducing me to Tokio Hotel. Barely legal trap-like visual kei wannabe German frontman = BRAINFROTH. And I don't even like that whole visual kei thing. And Bill smiles (and sometimes looks) like Bjork. But aaaaagh no man-boy has any right to be that pretty. why do I like twinks so much -- twinks, and Germans

Uhhh, I haven't been up to much lately. Haven't felt like posting, but I've been babysitting-ish Shane lately. He just turned 9 months and already he's standing up and practically walking. It's amazing how much he developed since he was born. I still can't get over how you'd never, ever be able to tell that he was born over a month premature unless you were told. Craziness.

That out of the way, I'm going out of my mind. There's a job available feeding animals at this animal center my aunt volunteers for and I really want to apply for it, but I keep putting off actually bringing myself to apply... mainly because I didn't graduate high school and also don't have my GED. That, and I'm afraid of being turned down. But if I keep sitting on my hands and not applying for it, the job'll get filled and I'll never have the chance. *flails back and forth* STUPID BRAIN, JUST LET ME DO THIS ONE THING. ARGH.

music, endless deliberation, real life, fangirling

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