(no subject)

Jul 06, 2006 01:19

Whoa, I didn't expect so many of you to welcome me back. Thanks. XD;; *is a trooper*

Despite what you may think, there are some benefits to being unable to come online (albeit few and far between). It finally made me buy DMC3. I never thought I'd say it, but oh my god, DANTE, STFU. I much prefer his older self's arrogance.

In the Special Edition... playing as Vergil. See, when I heard you can "play as Vergil", I kind of thought, you know, playing as VERGIL in a game that would maybe bridge the gap between prequel!Vergil and DMC1!Vergil. Something about how he came to work under Mundus, maybe. Why he looked the way he did. I dunno. When I saw the single CD I was thinking that damn, his game must be short. I mean, Lucia the wangstastic devil got her own disc, right? But imagine my disappointment to see that "play as Vergil!" actually meant "play Dante's game sans cutscenes while looking like Vergil but doing something that Vergil would never do!". Argh. Maybe I shouldn't have expected something with more thought.

Lady... Lady seemed like a bit of a Mary Sue without the sparkles. She was alright, I guess, and she was entitled to her need for revenge, but that "OMG I AM SUPAH FIGHTER RAWR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" thing... err, okay. Not to mention shooting Dante in the freakin' forehead and then stating after the fact, "He's a demon too". And he falls for her... why? 'Cause she's pretty(ish...?)? Bwuh? WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU. (And the purple shorts with red boots... WTF, Lady, WHERE IS YOUR FASHION SENSE?)

I liked fighting with Vergil. Both against him and with him. But I'm not feeling the twincest vibe... sure, I think that it'd be hot, and Lady's observation that their rivalry probably gives them sick, twisted pleasure thing makes me think OMGS&MBATTLEFORWHO'SONTOP, but... I dunno. I don't really feel any other kind of motivation for it. >_> UNLESS SOMEONE WISHES TO ENLIGHTEN ME.

...besides, Dante's like... painfully straight. GIVE ME AN OPENING FOR DANTE GAYNESS, CAPCOM. DAMN YOU.

Joey watched me play pretty much the entire thing. I love it when my brothers do that, because they never hesitate to make fun of anything, and they'll twist things out of context even more than I do. It's so damn hilarious sometimes, but unfortunately they're mostly 'you'd have to be there' type things. Joey's mocking of Vergil's superiority over Dante actually had me in tears at some points. He gives Vergil this voice and... gah. I can't explain.

Arkham: 'You can still talk big after seeing THIS?'
(Joey and I stare.)
Joey: "...that's it? I thought he was going to change into something huge and scary."
Me: "So did I. But apparently that's the true power of Sparda."
Joey: "Sparda's power is a huge lump of shit and some dolphin things?"
Me: "Maybe they have frikkin' laser beams attached to their heads."
Joey: "They're just jumping around."
Me: "Yeah... I guess Sparda's true power isn't very impressive after all."
Joey: "At least you can do gay attacks with Vergil."
Me: "Totally."

...okay, I think that's enough DMC.

I'm so far in the hole... What do I do immediately after getting my internet access back? Why, hit up eBay for cheap books! I ended up buying... a lot of stuff. Surprisingly I only got a few doujinshi, none of which for FFVII. There's a couple originals by Aoi Kujou, one Ashita no Joe book by Hinako Takanaga -- the entire reason I got the thing, because I haven't even read AnJ and I don't think I'm going to like it when I do, but I love Takanaga -- a cheapie $2 Naruto anthology (I bet you 85% of it is going to be SasuNaru. I don't even like SasuNaru all that much. ZabuHaku, ZabuHaku, my kingdom for some ZabuHaku), and a Princess Princess anthology. A Princess Princess anthology that has Taishi Zaou and Eiki Eiki works in it. Their art makes me smile. But... I haven't really gotten into PuriPuri yet. I've got some episodes and some scanlations and some scanned raws and I'm definitely going to buy the manga when it's released over here (ZAOU, I love you. Even under your penname), but...

But besides the doujinshi... I bought a shitload of manga. And I mean a SHITLOAD. 20-something books. But... volumes $1 each? Entire lots for $10 a pop? I AM SO THERE. AND WHEN I SAY "SO", I MEAN "SO". Some of those books I want to sell, though. Not particularly fond of the manga-ka. (I'd also like to sell my tablet since I never use it and I suck with it anyway when I do. And I really ought to look through my doujinshi and see if I want to get rid of anything... But I'll get to that some other time.) Of all that stuff I bought, I think I'm looking forward to checking out this series the most. I don't know why other than sci-fi with oh god schoolboys WHY DO I LIKE SCHOOLBOYS SO MUCH. And I do believe I bought some manga drawn by Rin Kigawa, if Seiryu Shinobu is indeed her penname. And if Kigawa is indeed a 'she'. I always assume all yaoi dj-ka are women, but all Kigawa's manga are shounen/seinen. And... I dunno, I just have doubts. Hmmm. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Her Hornyroth still rules all.

...and of course I notice that my paid LJ account and icons have expired AFTER I spent all of my money. Dammit.


Our animals have fleas and alsdfhas;dfkjh it's so horrible. I keep brushing them but the situation feels like it's not getting any better even with the flea bombs and applications and brushing. Some of them (our dogs especially) have such bad reactions to the bites. Agh, gross. Why do fleas even exist, anyway? They're nothing but nasty little vampires.

Yeah, I think I'll stop rambling now, even though I haven't even scratched the surface of what I'd like to go on about but I don't want to type anymore. I seem to be in a mood.

manga, wtf, yaoi, rambling, doujinshi, devil may cry

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