Jul 14, 2010 01:03
- 08:48 George Steinbrenner has reportedly died this morning. #
- 08:51 Trying to figure out what I'm supposed to be doing today. Photo shoot or office. #
- 08:51 @ abe11825 AP says he's dead. #
- 08:54 Six new photos of my menswear series featuring Haley Giovannani are live on the site. bit.ly/drgvi1 #
- 09:31 RT @AnthonyTDeS: Wait George is dead??? Oh wait it's only Steinbrenner. Phew I thought it was Costanza. #
- 09:45 RT @Rubuler: Do Yankees fans mourn their dead or just eat them? #
- 09:46 @ DigitalisPhoto That sounds like an epic tattoo. #
- 09:46 I need to buy more oversized boyfriend tees at Target. Better hit them up later tonight. #
- 09:50 @ DigitalisPhoto Can there be rainbows and a little bit of tribal involved too? #
- 09:51 @ DigitalisPhoto @DustinShootsRaw Oh, and it needs to say "Mother" somewhere amongst it. #
- 10:15 @ DustinShootsRaw I love that site but I can only read so much of it before wanting to blow my head off. #
- 10:21 @ DustinShootsRaw It reminds me of when I worked in the IT/ graphic design dept of this one company. The most ridiculous things were asked. #
- 10:21 RT @EastCoastSteff: Now that George Steinbrenner has died and gone to Heaven, he's going to make Jesus cut his hair. #
- 10:28 @ mgdupont I think you're crazy and/or your apartment building is unstable. #
- 10:38 I need a new necklace. @notpmekts needs to buy me one from @thecurrentcustom. #
- 10:42 @ EmilyWBRU I know two. @thejuli and @RPMcutter. #
- 11:14 RT @Jesus_M_Christ: George Steinbrenner's already getting on my nerves; I'm demoting him to Double-A, aka Purgatory. #
- 11:14 @ TreaRussworm I thought my 3GS was dead but it was an old USB cable messing it up. #
- 12:05 Some dude just drove past me blasting the Sopranos theme song. It was funny. #
- 12:23 I was thinking that Jeter is probably next. All those STDs probably caught up with him. @chantiedas @notpmekts #
- 12:41 Photo shoot is not happening today but at least I got stuff done at the office. Now what to do... I need lunch. #
- 12:52 @ TreaRussworm Apparently the older USB cables don't work with iOS4. That was probably the problem you were having. #
- 16:03 Watching a doc called Hell House. It's about this church that makes haunted houses about what happens in Hell. It's like Jesus Camp on acid. #
- 16:08 @ khorre So us people up north can freak out about it. #
- 16:09 Tempted to by the Harry Potter collection since I got a 33% off coupon from Borders. Should I do it? #
- 16:14 @ khorre I've read them but I just don't own them. It's cheaper on Amazon. I'll buy it there. #
- 16:41 @ BaseballHeavy I kind of want to go to one. Just to be stunned by the crazy. #
- 16:41 @ abe11825 I remember that #
- 17:02 I get nervous when I see Evangelical Christians pray. #
- 19:45 Still rocking @ladygaga's Fame Monster in the car. That shit never gets old. #
- 19:55 RT @dealsplus: Win one of 20 iPhone 4's! Retweet this, retweet a dealspl.us deal or coupon, and follow @dealsplus dealspl.us/t/5rqdMh #
- 20:20 Can we talk about how much I need all these Barbie dolls? I don't even want to leave the aisle. twitpic.com/252r9f #
- 22:19 @ chantiedas I'm serious as hell too. I'm dying over this website right now. Get on iChat. www.barbiecollector.com/ #
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