Thick as Thieves, chapter 8

Apr 04, 2012 03:19

Title: Thick as Thieves (8/?)
Rating: T just in case for later
Warnings: None for this chapter
Characters: Lucas Taylor, Michael Taylor (OC), Nathaniel Taylor, Skye Tate, Alicia Washington, possibly the Shannon family
Summary: This is an AU story about Lucas having a twin brother. Instead of rebelling like Lucas, Michael - his brother - remains loyal to their father. This fic explores their relationship and what would have happened in the series had Michael existed. There will be some Lucas/Skye in future chapters…
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A/N: Sorry this has taken a while to update. Most of this chapter has actually been written for a while but I have been slow updating because of a sad loss in the family. I’m hoping after this week things will be back to normal though. Also, I hadn’t realised I would spend so long in the flashback stages with this, but I am having too much fun exploring Michael’s character so there will probably be a few more chapters like this until the show’s ‘present’ timeline. Hope you enjoy this chapter!

Thick as Thieves chapter 8

It would all be over soon.

Sure, he had to start again from square one, but it would all come together eventually. All these nights alone in the jungle, freezing to death, having to hunt for food with his own bare hands - no weapons, no means of survival - it would all be worth it once he found the answer, once he laid eyes on the man who put him here and watched with relish as he realised that this had all been futile, that he'd been wasting his time building a fantasy; a dream. He should have learnt by now that there wasn’t much good in the world anymore, past or present. There was no hope for the human race. Never was. You might as well take what you can and make the most of it. Die with a little dignity, knowing you're leaving this earth having made your mark.

That's what Lucas planned on doing. He didn't really care who got in his way, his brother included. Michael was an idiot for remaining loyal to that arrogant old fool. Michael, always daddy's perfect little boy, always wanting to make him proud. Sometimes it made him sick. Had he forgotten what he let happen to their mother in Somalia? How their ‘heroic’ father had just given up and left her there to die? He supposed Michael would never understand. He wasn't the one their father regretted saving, he wasn't the one being blamed for their mother's brutal death. He detested the Commander for making him feel like this, for making him feel like it was his fault for so long...

He would have killed him that night if he hadn't been such a coward. In his line of work, he'd never had the opportunity to learn how to use a gun, and so he let his fear cripple him, allowed his father to defeat him. Next time, he told himself, handling the weapon he'd stolen from Michael, next time he wouldn't hesitate. He wouldn't rest until his father paid for everything he'd done, and if his real son decided to get in the way then Lucas would just have to deal with him too. He didn't particularly want his brother to die, but he would hurt him if he had to. If it meant getting what he wanted. But if he had to tell the truth, he still had the smallest slither of hope for his brother. As if some day, he would realise what kind of a man he was idolising and join Lucas in his revolt against him. Then they could be brothers again, perhaps. That's why he bandaged him up that day in the jungle. He saw him lying there in a pool of his own blood, losing consciousness. It was pitiable. If he hadn't bled to death he guaranteed a Carno would have caught his scent and devoured him. He believed Michael had earned a more dignified death than that.

At least he had their weapons. Now he could catch his food without having to get too close to his prey, without having to put his life in danger just for a decent meal. He sank in to his coat, shielding himself from the cold of the evening. He still didn't know how to survive out here, but he'd been doing pretty well so far. He remembered snippets that his father had tried to teach him and Michael long ago about surviving out in the wild, but that hardly helped him much now, especially as he hadn’t been paying much attention at the time. He wasn't even sure the great Commander cared if he was still alive or not. He doubted it, but either way he had got what he wanted. Now he had his perfect son to himself; he could watch him grow in to the man he always wanted him to be - the perfect little vision of himself - whilst Lucas rotted out here alone, slowly losing his mind, growing colder and bitterer with each passing moment.

Well, it would all be over soon. And then he'd have the last laugh. Maybe then everything could finally be put to rest. Maybe then he'd be able to have a decent night's sleep without seeing his mother's beaten face in his dreams, hearing her blood-curdling cries in his ears. He hoped his father had seen the symbols he left down at the falls. He hoped it made him realise what he had lost, and what he was going to lose. He hoped it reminded him how he had failed.

Lucas put the gun down on the ground, staring miserably at the fire. He tried to think how things used to be, when he thought the world of his father, when he was best friends with his brother. But he couldn't. It all felt so alien to him now. Sometimes he tried to remember a time when he wasn’t the angry, bitter young man he was today. But they were only memories after all. Memories of another life he could never get back. Just another thing to blame his father for. He blamed his father for everything.

He wondered what his mother would say if she were still alive. He'd close his eyes and wish more than anything that she was here with him, telling him that everything was going to be okay, that he was going to be okay. He'd open them again to nothing. Nobody. Just him sitting alone in the darkness, grieving, mourning, with only his unfinished calculations and hateful plots of revenge to comfort him.

Except this time he wasn't alone.

Before he could realise what was happening, a loud growl sounded behind him and a set of sharp teeth clamped violently around his neck, forcing him face down on to the ground. He could feel each fang-like tooth rip in to his flesh, sinking deeper, tearing through the skin. He screamed loudly, his face pressed in to the mud, feeling the hot embers of the fire beside him, burning his face as the beast tore in to him, its breath like hot tar as it left fresh strips of blood across his neck. His voice rang throughout the jungle, his throat searing, his wounds smouldering from the creature's agonising bite. His hand tremored violently as he reached for the gun and shot furiously.

Michael's eyes snapped open. He sat up in bed, breaths heavy, realising his body was moist with sweat. He could feel himself trembling, his skin burning. He pushed the covers off of him, swinging his legs around to the edge of the bed, trying to catch his breath, waiting for the cool air to give him some relief.

"Are you okay?"

He was suddenly aware of a warm body lying next to him, reassuring him, a slim hand reaching out to touch him. He turned to face her, forming a small smile at the sight of Alicia Washington's comforting gaze. He finally felt his heart rate slowing, his temperature returning to normal. "I'm fine," he croaked, wiping his forehead with his arm. "Just a bad dream."

"Man up," she teased, pulling him closer for an embrace. "Dreams can't hurt you."

"I wouldn't be so sure," he laughed, half-meaning it as she rested her head on his bare chest. He held her close, feeling the warmth of her body against his, her silky hair draped over his torso. He could sense her soft breathing, calming him, making him forget the horrors he'd witnessed in his nightmare. "I love you," he whispered gently in to her ear. She glanced up at him, surprised. "I don't care if you don't say it back."

"Michael," she frowned. "I thought we were agreed. This was a one-time thing."

"Doesn't mean I feel any different."

"I knew I shouldn't have gone to Boylan's with you last night," she moaned, sitting up and holding the covers to her chest. "I was hardly thinking straight as it was."

He only laughed at her. "Don't blame alcohol, Li. We both know you couldn't resist me."

She rolled her eyes. "Shut up. And get dressed. We need to go. Fifth pilgrimage arrive soon."

He pouted at her when she jumped out of bed to grab her clothes. "You'll change your mind eventually. You miss me."

She threw his uniform at him. "Get out my house," she said, trying to hide her smile.

After he was dressed and ready for duty, Michael’s thoughts drifted back to his nightmare. He couldn’t explain it but he felt as though Lucas had been in it. He could have sworn that he was screaming, that he was in some kind of danger. He couldn’t shake that feeling, that sense that something bad had happened to him. It reminded him how, as children, the two used to joke about reading each other’s minds, about sharing a telepathic connection that only they as twins could have had. He never really took it seriously until now.

Outside, as he walked towards the gates, he saw his father outside the command centre talking to a group of soldiers, being his usual authoritative self. He wasn’t surprised. Today was a busy day after all and the Commander was always adamant that everything went smoothly whenever a new pilgrimage was due to arrive. The group were, thankfully, just beginning to disperse when he approached.

“Dad,” he began, than he caught himself. “Uh, Commander Taylor. Can I talk to you?”

“Go ahead,” he replied.

“I would like to request a search mission for today. I can go alone, just for a few hours until I…”

“Hold on. I need you to escort the fifth pilgrimage, Michael. What the hell do you wanna go on a search mission for?”

Michael cleared his throat awkwardly, then saw the look of realisation in his father’s eyes.

“This is about Lucas, isn’t it?”

“I can’t explain it, dad, but I just know he’s in trouble.”

“I exiled him, Michael,” he snapped. “He doesn’t get to come back. Ever.”


“That’s the end of it. I don’t want you to mention it again.”

Michael frowned. He wanted to ask how he could ever be okay with never seeing Lucas again. Even after everything he had done, he was still his son; his own flesh and blood. Besides, it had been a long time since that night. Perhaps Lucas’ time in the jungle had caused him to think differently, that is, if he was still in one piece. He noted the anger in his father’s features and nodded acceptingly, his frown even slipping in to a scowl.

“Now just concentrate on bringing those people back here safe and sound, you gottit?”

“Yes, Commander,” he mumbled, backing away to join Lieutenant Washington by the gates, and for the first time in his life, he was beginning to feel what it was like to actually resent his father a little bit.

The arrival of the fifth pilgrimage went as smoothly as anticipated, especially now they had the Portal Terminus to make sure they knew exactly where to collect the new arrivals. They were expecting some new military personnel and also a scientist to finally replace Lucas. Not that anyone could actually replace him. Michael was aware that when his brother turned against them, they had lost a brilliant physicist as well as a beloved family member, but Taylor seemed more intent on moving on by now, on putting the past behind them and doing what was best for Terra Nova, and that meant bringing in new people to do the job that Lucas couldn’t. So Michael went along with it for his father’s sake. Of course he still cared for Terra Nova, but he wasn’t as willing to forget the past as Taylor was, and he would always worry about Lucas, no matter what he did.

As he was preparing to escort the fifth pilgrimage back to the colony, he noticed a young girl crouched beside a tree, struggling to breathe. She couldn’t have been more than thirteen. He saw the fear light up in her blue eyes, the tears rolling down her freckled cheeks. He laid down his weapon and crouched in front of her.

“Hey, it’s okay,” he told her reassuringly. “Your body’s just not used to the air here. Just calm down, breathe slowly through your nose. Like this.”

She stared at him as he then began to take deep, steady breaths. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. And then he smiled at her as she imitated his breathing and gradually began to calm down.

“That’s it,” he grinned, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Just breathe, you’ll get used to it.” She continued to stare at him with those big blue eyes, her curly hair sticking to her moist cheeks as she swiped at her tears. “How did you end up here by yourself anyway? Where are your parents?”

She shrugged, sniffing as she wiped her eyes again. “I just wanted to explore,” she admitted, frowning.

“Well, who wouldn’t?” Michael asked, looking around him. “This place is beautiful”

“Is it really everything they’re saying it is?” she asked hopefully.

“I’ll let you in to a little secret,” he said, beckoning her closer and the girl leaned forward curiously. “It’s so much better.”

She smiled sweetly. “I’m Skye.”

“Skye,” he repeated. “That’s a pretty name you have, Skye. I’m Michael.”

“I like the name Michael.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” he laughed.

“Skye? There you are!” Michael turned to see a woman bounding towards them, grabbing Skye in her arms. “Don’t scare me like that again, Bucket. Your father and I turned around and you were gone. Can you imagine how scared we were?”

“It’s okay,” Michael spoke up awkwardly, getting to his feet. “I took care of her.”

She turned to look at him. “Thank you,” she smiled appreciatively, then she paused, recognising him. “Aren’t you Commander Taylor’s son?”

“His name is Michael,” Skye told her.

“Uh, yeah. Michael Taylor,” he said bashfully. “Nice to meet you Mrs-?”

“Tate,” she replied, her warm smile emerging again. “My husband’s a Corporal under your father. I’m afraid he’s where this one gets her adventurous side from,” she said, indicating to her daughter who was blushing furiously. “I think she likes you.”

He laughed. “Well, I like her too,” he replied, glancing back at Skye. “I think she’ll settle in fine at Terra Nova.” He smiled at her again. “How about you walk with me at the front and you can ask me anything you want?”

“I’d like that,” Skye replied, her features brightening, and then she took Michael’s hand eagerly when he held it out for her.

He hadn’t anticipated just how inquisitive Skye Tate was, however, as she asked him question after question, barely taking a breath before she moved on to the next one.

He noticed Alicia come up behind him, sniggering. He raised an eyebrow at her.

“You’re just jealous of all the attention she’s giving me,” he muttered over to her.

“That must be it,” she said sarcastically, laughing at him again.

“Who’s that?” Skye questioned. “Is she your girlfriend?”

“No, she’s not my girlfriend,” he sighed, glancing over at Alicia again as she walked, weapon in hand. He told himself that she would give in to her feelings eventually, but she was too proud for her own good. He knew she cared for him, but her rank and her responsibility as a Lieutenant would always come before her relationships. He hadn’t intended last night to happen when he took her out to Boylan’s. In fact, they hadn’t spoken as friends for a while and so Michael had invited her out for a drink to catch up properly. But seeing her as her true self again, laughing and smiling and downing those drinks one after the other, reminded him just why he fell in love with her in the first place. And so, with all the inhibitions gone, they wound up just where they were supposed to be.

“What kind of animals are here?” Skye asked, breaking him out of his thoughts.

“Uh, well, there’s plenty of dinosaurs.”

“What kind of dinosaurs? Are they dangerous?” She looked around her, alert.

“Don’t worry, it’s perfectly safe here,” he insisted.

“If it’s so safe here, why do you need those guns?” she argued, raising an eyebrow.

Michael looked down at his weapon. He was beginning to realise Skye Tate was no ordinary young girl. There was something about her, although he couldn’t quite place it, but whatever it was he liked it. “Pretty and smart. You have a lot going for you, Bucket,” he teased.

She screwed up her nose at the nickname and she was quiet after that, but it was a comfortable silence until he noticed her staring at him again.

“I like your eyes,” she said.

“My eyes?” he repeated, laughing. “Thanks, I think.”

“You’re welcome.” She cleared her throat. “Michael?”


“Do you really think I’m gonna to like it here?”

He glanced over at her again, his smile growing. “Skye, I know for a fact you’re going to love it here.” He led them through some bushes to a clearing, and then indicated towards the gates in the distance, the colony beckoning them. Terra Nova was in sight. He watched her eyes light up, the excitement flaring up in her features.

“Welcome to your new home, Skye Tate. Welcome to Terra Nova.”


fic: thick as thieves, character: alicia washington, character oc: michael taylor, tv: terra nova, character: nathaniel taylor

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