Title: Bloodstream (Jack/Boone)
Rating: K
Wordcount: 335
A/N: This was written as a response to the prompt,
Jack/Boone, So close to nothing
What are the chances that we would collide
And fate is the one thing
The strongest of us can't fight Jack knows there’s no such thing as fate, but he can’t help but detest it as Boone grips his wrist tightly, his bloody fingers smearing his skin as he grunts in pain. Jack steps back a moment, feeling dizzy whilst his own blood streams in to the young man.
“Jack,” he breathes, eyes half-closing. Jack eyes the bloody tourniquet around his leg nervously, the bandages soaking up and seeping with red. He shudders and meets Boone’s blue eyes, now dark and blood-shot as the silence holds them both. A tear rolls down his face and Jack hates himself for not fixing him. For not protecting him from such pain.
He wishes that he and Boone had more time, but Jack knows there’s not much time left. And he knows Boone knows it too. He steps closer to the courageous young man and wipes the single tear away with his thumb. His other hand grasps Boone’s tightly, and Boone manages a weak smile.
Tears prick Jack’s eyes and he continues brushing his thumb across Boone’s moist cheek, narrowly avoiding the painful cuts and wounds. He notices a splatter of blood on the rock beside them, and wonders if it’s his, or Boone’s, or even a mixture of both.
Boone’s eyes are closed now, and Jack notices his grip around his hand has weakened. His breaths are slow but desperate as he tries to open his eyes long enough to look in to Jack’s gleaming brown ones. He struggles to start his sentence but Jack understands and tries to hide his disappointment at the mention of Shannon. The most he manages are two words, and then Jack isn’t thinking about Shannon, or the rest of the survivors, as Boone breathes his last breath and disappears from the world forever.
There’s no such thing as fate, Jack thinks as he leans over Boone’s beautiful body and lets his tears fall, but he can’t help but detest it for bringing them together and then tearing them apart so brutally.