Heroes fanfic: Confrontations, chapter 15 --THE FINALE--

Jun 17, 2010 21:10

Title: Confrontations (Chapter 15/15)
Author: Jemma
Rating: To be safe, T (13+)
Disclaimer: Not my show or characters.
Characters: Peter, Nathan, Matt, Mohinder, Sylar, Future!Claire, Future!Peter, Future!Mohinder, Future!Nathan, Future!Danko, Danko, HRG, Mary Campbell, Luke, Tracy, mentions of Hiro.
Summary: My own interpretation of “Fugitives” after “Trust And Blood”. I started this before Volume Four began but added to it as new episodes showed. It follows Future!Peter in the future Fugitives-verse and the made of Awesome Trio which is Matt, Mohinder and Peter in the present. The three fugitives go on an important mission to find Sylar in an attempt to get Peter’s abilities back while, in the future, Future!Peter struggles with the changes of reality and suddenly finds himself in the same position many of his friends had been put in before they met a cruel fate.
Previous Chapters: One, Two, Three, Four, Five 6.1, 6.2, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen
Read here or at FF.net  
Chapter 15

Peter and Nathan Petrelli

Building 26

By the time they got back, the violent duo had gone, leaving behind a trail of destruction. Debris was lying everywhere, the ground burnt and destroyed. They both flew in through the window and climbed in to the building. The sprinklers had stopped but a shallow pool of water remained throughout the building. Apart from the many bloodied corpses and unconscious bodies, the brothers were surprised to find the room empty. Peter glanced around the room grimly whilst Nathan waded through the water and beckoned him towards the exit.

"They've got to be around here somewhere."

They stopped dead in their tracks when they heard a low scream. Picking up their pace, they raced to the source of the noise and approached Danko's office within the abandoned control room, stumbling upon a group; Peter's group. Among the small sea of orange uniforms, they noticed Danko unwillingly pointing a gun to his head and a large bloodied frown across his face. Matt, unsurprisingly, was stood not far away. Mohinder, having just hit Danko, shook the pain from his fist and turned to face their newcomers,

"Ah, there you are."

"What are you doing?" Peter asked, taken aback by the sight.

"Finishing what we started," Matt mumbled, making sure Danko still had the gun pressed to his head.

Nathan stepped forward, "Let's think about this."

"There's nothing to think about," Matt snapped, "Because of this guy, our lives have been Hell, Daphne's lying in a hospital bed with bullet wounds, and three of us have been killed."

Peter swallowed. Well, he couldn't say he hadn't expected this. Everyone had been prepared for the dangers, but they had hoped everyone could have gotten out of this alive.

"He tried to escape when he realised he was running out of men. The rest of them took off like the cowards they were," added Mohinder bitterly. Peter noticed the cuts on his face, "We're trying to decide what to do with him."

"Well killing me won't do much good," Danko barked.

"At least we'd get some justice," Michael retorted.

"I'll deal with him," Nathan suggested, "I just need to explain all this to the president and the nightmare will be over. But don't worry, he'll get what he deserves."

"And how do we know we can trust you?" Matt pointed out resentfully, "Not long ago you wouldn't let me take a dying woman to the hospital. Now you expect us to believe you've changed your mind about the whole thing?"

Nathan sucked in a breath, "I still stand by my reasoning but the way this turned out - it shouldn't have happened. I'm sorry. I can only give you my word that this will never happen again. I'm on your side."

"Well, maybe your word isn't good enough," Michael spat, the green static forming between his fingers.

"Michael," Mohinder warned, raising a hand, "Look, this isn't over until we decide what to do with Danko."

"We need to kill him! Just like he tried to kill us!" Jennifer cried, her curly red hair still sopping wet.

"He's a monster," another man added.

"Just like Senator fly-boy over there."

"Do you have any idea what we've been through?"

"So you all want to kill him?" Peter asked loudly, "You want to sink to his level?"

"Peter, I saw the look of fury in your eyes when you attacked him. You can't tell me you didn't want to kill him right then and there, even if you never intended to."

Peter sighed, "Is this what you want, Mohinder?" Mohinder didn't answer. "Matt? You want to kill him?"

Matt fidgeted slightly, "He could've got Daphne killed," he said slowly, though avoiding the question.

"Just, let Nathan do his thing and call all of this off. Then we'll deal with Danko." Peter nodded at Nathan. He nodded back gratefully, pulling out his mobile phone.

Danko fidgeted with agitation, "So that's it? Game over? You told me how much you wanted this, Nathan," Danko told him in his rough voice, "You wanted these people gone just as much as I did. Hell, you were even too ashamed to admit you were one of them. Such a hypocrite that you'd do these things to your friends and family but not yourself!"

Mohinder almost punched him again but hesitated - he was telling the truth after all. Even if he was trying to turn them against each other.

Nathan raised the phone to his ear, "This is going to end badly for you, Danko."

His face darkened, "You have no idea what you're doing. Don't you see? Everyone knows this was your fault now. The minute these people walk out that door to their freedom, they're going to realise something. That they hate you and everything you've put them through," he said slowly, "Doesn't matter how sorry you are. You put them through Hell. You took them away from their homes, their families. You were going to cut open their brains, take away who they were without their consent. No one's going to be okay with that. Not even your own brother can forgive you for that," he shot a dirty look at Peter and received the same look back, "You're not safe if you make that phone call. The war's not over. Yeah, I might be first on their hit list. But you'll be next. Trust me, we've made a lot of powerful enemies since this thing started. This won't end well for either of us."

Nathan breathed heavily for a few moments, slowly pulling the phone away from his ear. He lowered his head in thought, "Could everyone please leave us for a moment."

Peter shook his head, "Don't listen to him," he told his brother.

"Please," Nathan repeated, hardly looking anyone in the eye, "Just for a moment."

With plenty of hesitation, the group slowly began to file out of the room. Peter resisted for a moment, watching them with concern, "I'll be right out here," he mumbled before closing the door and leaving them to it.

Nathan swallowed, taking the gun from Danko's reach and gently shifting his weight from one side to the other, "You really believe that they'll come after us? Start revenge killing?"

"I know it," Danko responded quickly, lowering his hand, "I've seen it happen before. It's always the same."

Nathan handled the gun carefully before placing it on the desk, "Then what do you suggest we do?"

"We leave. Start again. Learn from what happened here."

Nathan looked up with a small shrug, "And we just….do this all over again?"

Danko bit his lip, "Like I said, we'd learn from our mistakes. Do things properly. And the deal still stands, Senator."

Nathan laughed grimly, "The deal," he scorned, "What do you take me for? An idiot?" A sudden fierce took over his features and he grabbed Danko's weak form, shoving him through the glass of the window, the shards flying everywhere and piercing his skin. Nathan grabbed his neck and pushed him almost halfway out.

"You hurt those people, killed some of them. You wanted my brother dead so you could continue this sick ploy of yours," he squeezed harder around his neck, "You double crossed me, Danko. Do you think I'm going to let it happen again?"

Through splutters and cries, Danko managed to utter, "This was your idea, your plan."

"I was wrong," admitted Nathan, softening slightly, "And look where this has got us. But I will never let you threaten me or my family again," he barked viciously, "Understand? I will make sure you are punished for everything you have done."

He choked, face reddening, "And what punishment do you get?"

Nathan stared at him, loosening slightly.

"Face it. This is your fault as much as it is mine. You're telling me you never hurt anyone to get a bigger job done? We have both made sacrifices," he breathed deeply, "And we both sacrifice in order to get where we have to go. This is why I was chosen for this, why we're the same."

And there it was. The very thing Nathan didn't want to hear, that he refused to believe, "I am NOTHING like you, understand?" he shouted, "I am not a manipulative, careless scumbag who will kill anyone who gets in my way! I'm not a monster, Danko!"

"You sure?" he mumbled, his voice scratchy.

Nathan punched him. Hard. So hard he almost let the man fall out of the window if it wasn't for his other hand squeezing tightly around his neck. Every time he looked in to those stony eyes of his, he saw such anger and hatred. He saw all the threats he had made, the evil he had done. And in them, Nathan's own selfishness and anger reflected. And it made him sick. He hit him again, breaking his nose. Danko cried out with pain, his head still half-way out of the window. Nathan squeezed tighter round his neck and hit him again. And again.

He didn't even notice at first the pain exploding from his shoulder as Danko pierced a shard of glass right through it; his last attempt at freedom. Nathan yelled out in agony, stepping back slightly and pressing his hands to the bloody wound as Danko tried to scramble to safety. Hearing the commotion, Peter pushed open the door just in time to see a desperate Danko claw at the frame of the window. He felt himself falling backwards. An ear piercing scream echoed through their minds. Peter ran forwards. Nathan beat him to it. But it was too late. By the time they had both reached it, Danko had already fallen to his death. They peered down out the muddy ground and saw him, that same sinister smirk still etched across his face like a permanent imprint of his evil.

They both frowned. Peter could feel his brother shivering and noticed the blood stains on his shirt, "What happened?"

Nathan frowned, staring at the body below, "We argued. He stabbed me and I…he just…fell."

Peter quickly examined the wound, Nathan wincing at the contact, "You'll be fine," he told him, turning his gaze solemnly to Danko's corpse outside, "Can't say the same for him though."

"What happened? Where's Danko?" They heard Mohinder ask from the door, the rest of the group crowding behind him.

Peter and Nathan turned to look at him, a little unsure how to explain. But Peter swallowed and told him all he needed to know, "It's over," he said simply, glancing briefly at Nathan who returned the look with guilty eyes.

"It's over?" Matt repeated, surfacing from the control room outside, "We're free?"

Peter nodded softly, "Like I said. It's over. Right?" he looked at Nathan again who nodded too, clarifying the situation, "We won't have to worry about running anymore. Mr. Danko won't be bothering any of us again," he added, eyeing the body outside again as if he feared the man might simply get up and make his escape. But the body lay silently, a pool of blood forming beside it. The eyes, still cold and stony, stared back up at him with an eerie element of life to them. But the man was gone. For good.

"I'll see you some time in the future, huh?" Matt suggested as he pulled Peter in to a friendly hug.

"The future," Peter smiled ironically, "I'll make sure of it," he muffled in to his shoulder, patting the taller man on the back, "Thanks for everything. I couldn't have done any of this without you, man. You're a good friend."

"I believed in you, Peter. I'm glad I did," he pulled away and smiled.

Peter returned the grin and nodded, turning his attention to Mohinder who had his hand held out. Peter took it and shook his hand, keeping a firm grasp, "And thank you, Mohinder. You really saved my ass back there a few times."

"And you saved mine!" laughed Mohinder before dropping his hand to his side and becoming more serious, "I'm glad I came."

"We make a great team, I guess," smiled Peter with a small shrug.

"That we do," chuckled Matt, grinning at his two friends before giving in to a concerned sigh, "I better go check on Daphne at the hospital."

"Give her our best wishes," Peter told him as Matt began to withdraw, "I hope she'll be okay, Matt."

"Me too. I'll be seeing you guys," he waved briefly before turning and making his way to the hospital as fast as he could.

Peter turned his attention to Mohinder who was staring up at Building 26 and breathing a heavy sigh, "So what're you going to do now, Mohinder?"

Mohinder showed a half-grin, "I might go back to India - have a break from America for a while!" he chuckled, "Or I might get in to the cab-driving business. I hear the pay is pretty good."

Peter laughed and patted him on the back, "Good luck. Stay in contact, yeah?"

"Now I don't have to worry about my phone being tapped? Of course." He smiled, "Bye, Peter."

"Take care, Mohinder," Peter smiled in return, watching him leave before his gaze fell back upon the large grey building in front of him.

So it was finally over. This place would finally be shut down. He felt angry with himself for losing Sylar but there would be plenty of opportunities to catch up with him later. Wherever he was, he was obviously still tied up with resolving his daddy issues above anything else. Sighing, he thought about his future-self and how he hoped he'd never have to see that version of himself again. The scar pierced his face once again. He couldn't explain why it kept manifesting - it wasn't real after all. Perhaps there was still some conflict within himself that he still had to resolve. Not a physical battle, but an emotional one. And the scar served as a reminder for that. He scratched at it, felt it disappearing once again as the rough and damaged skin returned to its usual smoothness.

Nathan walked out of the building, a bloodied cloth pressed to his wound. In his hand he still had the phone which he fully intended to call the president with as soon as he had a spare moment. Exhaling, he dropped on to a low brick wall and peeled back the cloth to inspect his wound.

"You should keep that on there," Peter told him, approaching him, "Stop the blood flow. You look pale."

"I'm fine," Nathan responded, mouth dry.

Peter watched him solemnly, "It's finally over," he said to him, still in disbelief.

Nathan winced a bit, pressing the cloth to his wound, "Good."

"Did you talk to Bennet?"

He nodded, "He's sorting everything out over there. And Claire's fine. He told me she and Hiro Nakamura were warning people about all this. Tried to protect them from being taken."

That seemed to be a weight off his mind. The idea of Claire on a mission of her own made him smile, and the fact that Hiro, and presumably Ando, were there to help and protect her put his mind at ease. One thing seemed to emerge as odd though, "How did they know who to warn?" he asked aloud.

"No idea," Nathan threw his hands up, clueless, "But you know, I'm kind of glad they did."

His younger brother sighed, averting his gaze for a second before sitting down beside Nathan, "I think I understand why you did this. What you said before….I get it. But…" he trailed off there, scratching at his stubble.

"I know," Nathan interrupted him, "I know you're going to find it hard to trust me again. I know I set myself up for this. I'm just going to have to deal with it."

A beat of silence. He sucked in a breath, "Mohinder told me about the deal you made." Nathan looked at him, "Thank you. As stupid as it was, I know you were looking out for me."

"You're my brother," shrugged Nathan, "I know I've put you through Hell but I wouldn't let Danko hurt you. Or let Sylar for that matter."

Peter realised a small smile had emerged on his face, "So," he began, fidgeting slightly, "What are you going to tell the president?"

"I'll talk my way out of it…somehow," Nathan assured him, "I'll fix this mess."

He nodded, smiling, "Good."

Nathan smiled back at him, a sense of relief running through him. He really wasn't sure where he was going to begin in explaining all the events that had happened here. But he was pleased he could rely on one thing, "I guess it's a good job I'm not bad at confrontations," he said with a grin.

The End.

Yay for cheesy endings? Well, that was it. I'm sure plenty of people lost interest along the way, lol, but thank you so much to those people who stuck around to read and review etc. I'm so grateful, and I hope you enjoyed this! And special thanks to eternal_moonie who commented on every chapter, thank you so much <3

character: tracy strauss, character: peter petrelli, character: nathan petrelli, character: sylar, tv: heroes

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