Welcome to the “Virtual Xmas Stocking Exchange”! This is my first time hosting anything like this so if there are any questions, please comment in the thread below and I will try to help. =)
Here’s all you need to do:
1) Make a comment with your username and perhaps even a list of things you’d like/prefer as gifts.
2) Pimp this out on your journal so your flisters can see.
3) Look at the comments and see if there’s anyone you can make a “Virtual Xmas Stocking” for! This would simply be a zipped folder full of goodies such as pictures, icons, banners, wallpapers, videos, music, fics, quotes, TV shows, films; ANYTHING you think they might like!
You don’t actually have to make anything (like icons or videos etc) if you don’t want to. You can simply search the web for videos and pictures and so on and include them in your “Virtual Xmas Stocking”.
For those who don't know,
here's how to make a zipped folder. Once you have zipped the folder full of goodies, simply go to a file sharing website such as
sendspace and then make a reply with the link to the person you made it for :D
Once you receive your “Virtual Stocking” and have downloaded it, all you need to do is right click on it and select “Extract Here” to release the gifts!
1) Please include things that you think the person will like. You will most likely be answering your friends so this shouldn’t be too much of a problem. :]
2) If you have made a comment asking for a “Virtual Xmas Stocking”, please try and take the time to see if there’s anyone you can make one for too. This is a “gift exchange”, so hopefully everyone will receive something!
3) There is no limit to how many of these “Virtual Stockings” you can make or receive so feel free to make as many as you like!
This project doesn’t have to be time-consuming at all. You can include as many things or spend as long on it as you feel necessary. The point is to get in to the giving spirit and make people smile!
Thanks and have fun! (feel free to use the banner at the top for pimping ;) )