Vid: Missing Pieces (Charlie AU)

May 27, 2010 21:19

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Title: Missing Pieces
Fandom: Lost
Vidder: jemmalynette 
Songs: The Last Man by Clint Mansell
Length: 5:56
Program: Sony Vegas
Links:  YT, LVI, download
Summary: A video of all the missing pieces of Charlies life before the crash. This vid is based on a few theories I would have liked to see including the theory that Charlie and Liam's mother died, Charlie is Penny's half-brother, and touching on the theory that Charlie literally went "Through The Looking Glass" when he died.

Do not read this if you don't want to be spoiled for the video. It's your choice but if you want to read this afterwards so you don't ruin any surprises that might be a good idea!
However, if you're not bothered it doesn't really matter =)

1) Charlie's parents, Megan and Simon, argue about him as Simon discovers that Charlie is not his biological son. Although Simon loves his boys, he is ashamed by their musical ambitions and, still heartbroken, leaves them behind, losing contact with them completely. Due to Charlie's dream in S2, I assumed this happened at Christmas and the reason that Simon was cutting off doll heads was because Megan wanted to send Christmas presents to Charlie's half-sister, Penny. However, I could not illustrate that in the vid :S

I also assumed that, after Simon left, Megan's health began to decline and Charlie devoted his time to looking after her.

2) In my view, Liam and Megan never got on. He loved her, but grew tired of her and became annoyed at her favouritism towards Charlie. I showed this very briefly in the video but it's not entirely clear. When Megan died, Liam felt horribly guilty that he never made it up to her.

3) I think it was pretty obvious that Megan died some time in Charlie's past and that is why Karen named her and Liam's daughter after her in her memory. I also think it's inevitable that Charlie's family issues stemmed partly from Megan's death - he felt so responsible that he needed to take care of people to make up for his mistake with his mother, and then always took it to heart when he failed again.

4) I HAD to include Jacob in there somewhere. How could I miss that out? This is another theory I had - Jacob chose Charlie to be a Candidate because he was impressed at how much Charlie cared for his mum and wanted to take care of her. After she died, it seemed like the perfect time to appoint him as a Candidate to take care of the island and doom him to that fateful flight from Sydney to LA.

5) I always liked the Penny/Charlie sibling idea so I decided to create that here. I also think it's rather fitting that Penny's father is called CHARLES
Don't ask why Charles is so nice to Charlie here - perhaps he feels guilty, lol. But Charlie doesn't care until he finds out the Widmores are all the family he has left.

6) The way I see it, Liam always knew deep down that Charlie was only his half-sibling so doesn't show too much concern over it. He is more concerned about his brother's health and isn't interested at all in helping Charlie find Penny.

7) Lastly, I touched very lightly on the theory that Charlie literally went "Through The Looking Glass" when he drowned, transporting his consciousness in to another world or reality. There's not too much detail on this as I mainly wanted to focus on the missing pieces of his past before the island.

I think the rest is pretty self-explanatory but if you have any questions feel free to ask! Hope you enjoy/ed!
Also, if anyone's interested, I started a fanfic about Charlie's missing flashbacks AGES ago. I think it might be time to update soon now!
Can be found here: (I've now changed the title to "Missing Pieces".)

character: liam pace, character: charlie pace, tv: lost, video, vid: missing pieces

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