Can you tell how bored I am? Oh yes, I think you can.
This site is completely cool though, you can search your name on it and it'll come up with all different things, so I thought I'd show you the best, and some others that I found.
having so much fun )
jemma is 5" tall and is a limited edition all porcelain fairy doll
nicole is the best actress ever
I had such a good time talking to you, Jemma! You're welcome. & Haha, I'm up for shopping whenever! Just waiting for the go signal. :D
It sounds like I'm sucking up but I'm really, really not lol.
I had a good time too! Maybe we should go shopping for clothes for New Years? I'm determined for you to go out somewhere and have fun, I'll never enjoy myself if I know you're just sitting at home.
Well here's my New Year's situation: I'm sure as hell not going to New York, lol, and so my family and a few friends are actually just coming up here to do whatever. So you don't have to worry about me, thanks bb! As far as the shopping, I think I have my outfit ready, but if you need help finding a hot outfit to wear for Matthew, I am more than happy to help. ;)
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