Oct 21, 2005 23:40

It's been a while since i have updated, and yet they are still not letting me on the computer at work sooooo, I have no other computer to use... GO FIGURE!!! Well I saw all kinds of people at the game tonight. OV KICKED ASS!!! Everyone that I havent seen in a long ass time looks sooo good! Im not even joking. I wanted to go hang out with the gang after the game but freakin 'A' once again I have to work! POOR ME!

I want to have a party at my house pretty soon. Ill let ya guys know when it will be.
I've been so busy lately. Been jogging/running with my dog Sandy Girl, lately i've only been running about 1 mile a day, but if i'm feeling up to it then I will run two, and thats on my good days. But im so proud of myself i can do it non-stop. YAY!!! I have been running by myself lately, anyone wanna join me they are more then welcome, then maybe ill jog longer then like 15 minutes!!!!!

Well on a good note, David and I are getting along better then ever. He's been the most awesome guy I could ever want. I feel so bad what i wrote about him in this thing a while ago, how i didn't know what to do. I'm so glad i hung in there cuz i think something sparked in his head to get it out of his ass!! ~LOL~

I wanted to say hey to all my girlz that have been there for me lately...They know who they are! I Love them all so much! Anyways... I should probably go for now, who knows when the next time ill get on here, hopefully soon!
♥ you all
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