i fucked up the html

Sep 17, 2005 21:55

1.~How did you meet ebonystar? we went to school together
2.~What would you do if you had never met iamcelery? be a lot less happy
3.~What do you honestly think of emo_racoon? she rocks my socks
4.~Would or did _fley_ and rikehard go out? theyve never even met and i doubt it very much
5.~Have you ever liked distillers_girl? not in a special way
6.~If _fley_ died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would need him/her to know? that i remember when i accused you of being called emily
7.~Would crazynymph and emilystrange make a good couple? im gonna go with no
8.~Describe teeza in 3 words: dancing drinking goon
9.~Do you think iamcelery is hot? hotter than the sun
10.~Would _fley_ and iamcelery make a lovely couple? no. and no again.
11.~What do you think of when you see rikehard? kim and also that time jenni beat up a bench outside his house
12.~Tell me something humiliating about emilystrange: i dont know anything humilating
13.~Do you know any of scoobied family members? i have met her family but i dont really know them
14.~What's distillers_girls favorite color? i reckon red
15.~On a scale of 1-10 how cute is scoobied? 9 "could be cuter"
16.~What would you do if ebonystar just professed their undying love for you? i wold think i had somehow travelled into the past and opened a door that shopuld remain closed!
17.~What language does _fley_ speak? english and also "gay"
18.~Who is distillers_girl going out with? nobody i think
19.~Is goldensoundzz a boy or a girl? boy oh boy
20.~Would teeza and ebonystar make a good couple? oh dear god no
21.~Who do you think iamcelery would be great with from this list? er..me?
22.~When was the last time you talked to iamcelery? i was tearing a wall down in a club with rachelle
23.~What is distillers_girl's favorite band? duh duh distillers
24.~Does crazynymph have any siblings? she has an army of brothers
25.~Would you ever date scoobied? no
26.~Would you ever date teeza? no
27.~Is iamcelery single? not to my knowledge
28.~What is distillers_girl's last name? i dunno she wont bloody tell anyone!
29.~What is teeza's middle name? albatross
30~What is emo_racoon's fantasy? to make love to kim wilde, whilst wearing a hat, whilst eating pizza with the whole lido watching
31.~Where does goldensoundzz live? london and his room is blue apprently
32.~Would you make out with ebonystar? i think not
33.~Are iamcelery and scoobied best friends? no they are mortal enemies
34.~Does teeza like distillers_girl? i dont believe theyve met
35.~How did you meet teeza? at school when we were a mere 11 years old
36.~Is distillers_girl older than you? possibly. yes. i think so
37.~Is iamcelery the sexiest person alive? without a doubt!
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