Nov 23, 2007 16:51
I've invited my family for New Years. It was actually my brother's idea, and can see his point. There won't be fireworks to enjoy at my folks' countryside home what with the place only being a small village, whereas I have first row view for everything our city will send up. Living in the tallest building in town has its benefits.
So now I'm brainstorming for ideas for the New Years dinner. Now that I have a proper kitchen and all I can actually ook what I want, so I'll whip up something fancy and delicious - Because I can :P
Before that happens t'll be Christmas, though. Last year we had no day of chocolate or whatever we should call it. The day when the four of us get together to create the chocolates we use as deserts and presents over Christmas and New Years. Because my folks have moved to that countryside house that needed major renovation they had no room for this. After all, you can't have chocolate coating drying in a place where the concrete dust in the air makes it feel like you have sand between your teeth every time you haphazardly took a breath with your mouth open.
And my brother and I both lived in tiny little flats with no room for more than two people at a time - and no table whatsoever.
My folks still live in their construction yard :P but this year I have much more room in my much bigger flat. So I suggested we have our Day of Chocolates at my place. I have a huge dinner table on which we can work and have the finished works drying. So I'll be in charge of dinner that day as well, and it'll likely be on Saturday the 22nd.
It's all good, I've already decided on some things to have.
I'm a terrible Christmas goofball XD
this life of mine